The 5 Best Things We Ate This Week (Aug. 22-26)

Each week, the Sporked team sidles up to the tasting table and sets out to find the absolute best of the best packaged foods, the gold hidden in the grocery aisles. Each week we’ll bring you five standouts that truly rocked our taste buds and changed our lives—or at least our buying habits.

Good & Gather Cinnamon Applesauce

This applesauce really stood out because of its subtle cinnamon flavoring and appropriate level of sweetness. It’s just perfect in every way and so pleasantly balanced. Other applesauces we encountered had either far too much sugar or too much cinnamon, making it hard to imagine getting through a single cup, but we all had trouble keeping our hands off of this one because of its amazing flavor and texture.

Sour Patch Kids Marshmallows

This was the true underdog of the week. Approaching the marshmallow taste test, we were all a bit hesitant to try the Sour Patch Kids Marshmallows given their Day-Glo appearance and sour-sugar crust. However, the richness of the marshmallow flavor worked so well with the sourness of the outside coating, we couldn’t stop nibbling on them.

Banquet Turkey Pot Pie

This salty, savory pot pie is truly a gift from our friends at Banquet. “But what of their chicken pot pie?” you might be wondering. Well, we’re here to let you know that their turkey pot pie is just so much better. The gravy feels richer, the contents have a more buttery taste, and good times were had by all following this taste test.

Tamarind Jarritos

The Tamarind flavor of Jarritos soda is so unique and subtle but still so interesting. It has a similar taste to a lot of tamarind flavored candies, and as far as Jarritos flavors go, we love it. It is sweet and tangy without being overpowering, and for that, we applaud you, Jarritos.

Trader Joe’s Rosemary Croissant Croutons

These rosemary croissant croutons from Trader Joe’s were so buttery and flaky, it felt as if they were made directly from croissants. That said, it would be a bit difficult to picture these in a salad, as they might get too soggy too quickly. Potential sog factor aside, the rosemary flavor in these croutons is absolutely righteous and their butteriness is unmatched.

About the Author

Naajia Shukri

Naajia Shukri is the legit biggest fan of candy corn. She is interested in all things food, art, and beauty. After living in Korea for the past two years, she has gotten back to her L.A. roots, frequenting thrift stores and art museums.

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