Our Honest Review of New Kit Kat Bears

Last year, Kit Kat released its first-ever shape in the U.S. They were little Kit Kat Santas, of course. And it seems to have released the floodgates. Because now we’ve got new Kit Kat Bears for Valentine’s Day—and Kit Kat Bunnies are coming this Easter. But should Kit Kat be going all in on shapes rather than focusing their efforts on new Kit Kat flavors? I tasted the new, limited edition, Valentine’s Day Kit Kat Bears to find out. 

new Kit Kat Bears

New Kit Kat Shape!

Kit Kat Bears

These Kit Kat Bears are more than bears. Each bar depicts a bear with its feet out in front, hands up (roller-coaster-style), holding a heart with a heart behind it. It’s more than just a chocolate bear. It’s a chocolate bear tableau. It’s cute—kinda like a knock-off Care Bear. 

Pros: A classic Kit Kat doesn’t actually taste like chocolate to me—it tastes like Kit Kat. It’s sweet and creamy but not necessarily rich with cocoa flavor. These Kit Kat Bears are covered in way more chocolate than a traditional Kit Kat and it actually tastes like chocolate—pretty decent milk chocolate, at that. So, if you’ve ever complained about the lack of chocolate on a Kit Kat, these new Kit Kat Bears could be worth snagging. 

Cons: You can’t break this Kit Kat Bear in twain. Instead, you have to enjoy it like a singular candy bar. And I feel like part of the fun of a Kit Kat bar is getting more than one little chocolate treat. Instead you have to eat a big fat single Kit Kat. Plus, because of the shape of the bear, you lose the charming uniformity of a Kit Kat stick—some bites are lots of chocolate, some are all wafer. It simply does not improve upon the classic Kit Kat.

Credit: Liv Averett / Instacart




About the Author

Justine Sterling

Justine Sterling is the editor-in-chief of Sporked. She has been writing about food and beverages for well over a decade and is an avid at-home cook and snacker. Don’t worry, she’s not a food snob. Sure, she loves a fresh-shucked oyster. But she also will leap at whatever new product Reese’s releases and loves a Tostitos Hint of Lime, even if there is no actual lime in the ingredients.

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