Why Were Altoid Sour Discontinued? And When Are They Coming Back?

Are you an early aughts kid whose mouth has felt suspiciously intact and not raw lately? That’s probably because you haven’t had a beloved Altoid Sour since 2010. From the years of 2004 to 2010, this sour spin-off of the well-loved Altoid mint was hard at work, solidifying the word “tangy” as an understatement and stripping away the roof of our mouths, but we loved every minute of it. 

Whether you snuck them into the theater to see The Dark Knight, popped a few to help the time pass as you downloaded Flo Rida’s Low on Limewire, or just genuinely liked the sour-sweet, the power of Altoid Sours cannot be denied. So, what happened to Altoid Sours? And, more importantly, are Altoid Sours coming back? We’re so glad you asked.

What are Altoid Sours?

Those that were born after 2010 or before 2010 with any regard for the safety of their mouths might not be familiar with the Altoid Sour. These hard candies were an offshoot of Altoids mints, and were popular with sour candy fans. They appeared on shelves in 2004, with flavor options of apple, lime, mango, raspberry, and tangerine. They were so addictingly sour and sweet that they left your tongue ripped to shreds, but you knew it wouldn’t be long until you were ready to be hurt again. They came in an iconic round tin, leaving most people who were kids around that time with a Pavlovian response to the jangling of candy against metal that foreshadowed a “hurts so good” like no other.

Why do people like them so much?

Because they were freaking delicious, that’s why. Nostalgia likely also plays a large part, since these were a distinctly early 2000’s treat. Altoids also seemed to really know what they were doing, considering that studies suggest consumption of sour food prompts our brains to release serotonin. See? These candies were delicious and educational, kind of like Bill Nye.

Why were Altoid Sours discontinued?

Though they had numerous staunch supporters, Sour Altoid sales began to slow over time. Makers of the candy tried to rebrand and refresh, but the time had come in 2010 to cut their losses, and the candy was “discontinued due to low national demand.”

What happened to Altoid Sours?

The product has lain dormant since 2010, including these literal pieces of product, which are 20 years old and selling for $400 on eBay. The seller explicitly states that they expired in 2005 and are not for consumption, but if someone has spent almost half a grand on two containers of candy, have they not already thrown caution to the wind? 

The candy has yet to be remade, but you can find some pretty close doppelgangers for some of the flavors. Lofty Pursuits has concocted a Altoid Tangerine Sour dupe made with tangerine oil and based on the original Altoids recipe that the crowd has taken to, with some even claiming they’re better than the original.

Are Altoid Sours coming back?

Yes and no. Word on the street is that the beloved Sours are coming back, but the original company, Mars, will not be behind things. Instead, Iconic Candy has purchased the recipe and will be doing the lord’s work of returning our candies into circulation. Iconic Candy is a family-owned business seeking to revive nostalgic childhood candies, having brought back old favorites such as Creme Savers. We want to love this company wholeheartedly, but they’re rebranding the Altoid Sours as “Retro Sours,” so we just feel attacked. There’s no release date yet, which is pretty concerning since we fans feel about a million years old right now.

About the Author

Hebba Gouda

Hebba Gouda is a freelance contributor to Sporked who will die on the hill that a hot dog is not a sandwich. She’s proud to spend weekends falling asleep at 9 p.m. listening to podcasts, always uses the Oxford comma, and has been described as “the only person who actually likes New Jersey.” She’d love to know how on earth she somehow always has dirty dishes, if donkeys hear better than horses, and how the heck you’re doing today? Hopefully swell - thanks for reading!

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  • Please bring back Altoids tangerine sour to chicago il pleasee
