The Best Alani Flavors, Ranked

Thirsty for the best Alani flavors? Whether you’ve never tried this brand of energy drinks before or eager to see if your favorite made the list, keep reading to find the best Alani Nu flavors, according to us. 

Before March of this year, I was an energy drink virgin. Coffee has always been my go-to daily caffeine fix. (And it still is, to be honest.) I’ve been on quite the energy drink journey since then, though. I’ve realized I can’t tolerate super sweet energy drinks (sorry, Fast Twitch Gatorade) but do really enjoy some of the lighter caffeinated Red Bulls. As my creepy old neighbor used to say, “There’s a seat out there for everybody.” He meant that in a slightly different context, but, uh, you know what I mean. There’s an energy drink out there for everybody, and yours might just be one of the best Alani flavors! 

Here’s my general impression of Alani, now that I’ve tried ten different flavors for the first time: For sugar-free energy drinks, they lean pretty sweet, almost like liquid candy, but the sucralose content definitely isn’t as cloying as some brands. (Looking at you, Fast Twitch.) They’ve got a pleasant carbonation level that isn’t too fizzy, but definitely present. And most importantly, they are really good at delivering on nostalgic, familiar flavors—with a scary amount of accuracy. You’ll see what I mean below. 

We weren’t able to get all of the Alani flavors this go-around, so if your favorite one isn’t on here (and you think it’s arguably the best Alani flavor ever conceived), please let us know so we make sure to grab it for our next update. And as always, comment below if you agree with this ranking or think my taste buds are completely deranged! I love a good debate.

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Alani Watermelon Wave

Alani Flavor!

Watermelon Wave

Fake watermelon is a hard sell, but you know what? Even though I’ve put Watermelon Wave in very last place, I don’t hate it. Probably because there isn’t a ton of watermelon flavor in it to begin with. You get hints of berry, sour candy (malic acid, ftw), and a light essence of watermelon. It’s not bad, but it’s not one of the best Alani flavors you can buy, in my opinion. Unless you want to drink a lollipop. In which case, go for it.

Credit: Merc / Amazon




Alani Cherry Twist

Alani Flavor!

Cherry Twist

I have mixed feelings about Alani Nu Cherry Twist. Upon first sip, I loved it. It’s not very sweet, and thanks to the lime in the mix, the cherry tastes extra bold, sharp, and zingy. As I kept drinking, though, I just couldn’t shake the way the lime really lingers. It slowly overpowers the rest of the flavors and creates something a little too acidic. That said, to my fellow cherry-flavor apologists who may be intrigued by this one, definitely give it a try!  

Credit: Merc / Amazon




Alani Cosmic Stardust

Alani Flavor!

Cosmic Stardust

Cosmic Stardust is a mood. The dark purple packaging draws attention to the tart grape and bitter berry flavors mixed in, but I won’t be bamboozled. This is still pretty darn sweet, even if the aesthetic wants to convince me otherwise. I’ve seen some people compare this flavor to purple SweeTARTS, and I completely agree. Personally, I wish they upped the tartness and toned down the sucralose, but I don’t make the rules! It’s a sucralose world, and I’m just living in it. 

Credit: Merc / Amazon




Alani Orange Kiss

Alani Flavor!

Orange Kiss

Overall, Orange Kiss is a decent energy drink for orange beverage lovers. The citrus really balances the artificial sweetener, giving it a bright zing. To me, Orange Kiss is one of the more palatable flavors in the Alani line-up—but I’m more sensitive to sweetener than most. If you are, too, this might be one of the best Alani flavors to buy. But compared to some others on this list, it’s just a little boring, I’m sorry! 

Credit: Merc / Amazon




Alani Cherry Slush

Alani Flavor!

Cherry Slush

I have some pretty passionate opinions about Alani’s “slush” flavors. These were a mindf*ck, you guys. For those who don’t know, Alani slush energy drinks taste identical to slushie flavors at a movie theater or gas station, minus one key factor: the ice. So instead of imitating an actual Slurpee, brain freeze and all, they taste exactly like a melted one. It’s an incredible feat of beverage science and, at the same time, a little disappointing. When I sipped this, my first thought was, “What happened to my Slurpee? Why am I only getting the dregs?” Since cherry is my favorite Slurpee flavor, I was more disappointed in this flavor than I was in Blue Slush (see #5) or Pink Slush (see #4). Anyways, don’t drink this lukewarm. And I’m sorry for being dramatic—I actually do like it, but it’s really screwing with me, mentally. 

Credit: Merc / Amazon




Alani Blue Slush

Alani Flavor!

Blue Slush

Blue Slush tastes exactly like a melted blue raspberry slushie, but once again, I can’t drink this without getting a little bit depressed. Like I’m drinking the last few drops of my movie theater slushie—except, wait a minute. What slushie? The slushie never existed in the first place. I’m missing something I never even had. Still, it ranks high among the best Alani flavors, because I’m amazed Alani has managed to recreate these Slurpee flavors with zero grams of sugar. 

Credit: Merc / Amazon




Alani Pink Slush

Alani Flavor!

Pink Slush

Pink Slush tastes less like a sad melted Slurpee or ICEE and more like a strawberry beverage, which is why I can drink it without feeling forlorn. It still has that signature popsicle-slushie aftertaste. The one that’s a little bit sour, a little bit salty, and blunt on the finish. It’s refreshing and complex. 

Credit: Merc / Amazon




Alani Hawaiian Shaved Ice

Alani Flavor!

Hawaiian Shaved Ice

Alani wants to corner the market on slushie-, shaved ice-, and popsicle-flavored energy drinks, I think. And they have my full support. Alani Hawaiian Shaved Ice tastes wholly unique. It’s very tropical, with watermelon, strawberry, and a hint of coconut. It’s scarily accurate to what your cup of shaved ice tastes like after five minutes in the sun. Do I wish it was less chemically sweet? Always. But it’s gotta be one of the best Alani Nu flavors for the ingenuity alone. 

Credit: Merc / Amazon




Alani Dream Float

Runner Up

Dream Float

Alani Dream Float tastes exactly like a creamsicle. It’s freaky. I’m freaked out. And it doesn’t taste like a melted creamsicle, either, because it perfectly imitates the flavor journey of eating the real thing. You start with zingy orange and end on cozy vanilla ice cream—it’s genuinely like biting into a creamsicle, where the layers of flavor come in two parts. The fact that the drink ends so clearly on vanilla ice cream helps mask any artificial sweetener aftertaste.  The only con? I’m not sure I want to drink an entire creamsicle-flavored energy drink. It’s more comforting than it is revitalizing. So while it might not be the best Alani pre workout flavor, it’s definitely among the best Alani flavors, period.  

Credit: Merc / Amazon




Alani Breezeberry

Best of the Best


Breezeberry might be my coward’s version of first place. For the feat of beverage science alone, I’d name Dream Float the #1 best Alani Nu flavor. But Breezeberry, in my opinion, is so much more refreshing to drink. It’s the least sweet of all the flavors. You get blueberry, raspberry, and a hint of grape. It reminds me of blue Gatorade (but sweeter). If I’m getting ready to sweat, the last thing I want to do is drink something that tastes like ice cream. That’s not motivating—now I just want to sit on the couch and be lazy. But Breezeberry will keep me going. And for that, it’s the best Alani pre workout flavor of the bunch. 

Credit: Merc / Amazon




About the Author

Ariana Losch

Ariana Losch is a Sporked contributor, webcomic writer, java junkie, and bad TV enthusiast. She only ever feels at peace laying out on a beach like a kebab, roasting in the sun; sadly, she can never move back to Florida, her home state, because there simply isn’t enough good Mediterranean food. You can find her overstaying her welcome at just about every LA coffee shop, working on a screenplay and avoiding all eye contact. (She is embarrassed to be there, please leave her alone.)

Thoughts? Questions? Complete disagreement? Leave a comment!

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  • Witch’s Brew!

    I really wanted to like Cherry Slush, but it was just… too much. The rest are just kind of meh, but I like the Mimosa one every once in a while. I wish I could find Kiwi Guava though.

  • I haven’t tried all of them, but of the flavors I have tried i’d rank them
    1. Witches brew
    2. Peach
    3. Hawaiian shaved ice
    4. Cherry slush
    5. Cosmic stardust

  • This is definitely opinion based because I couldn’t disagree more with your top choices. I cannot stand Dream Float Or any of the slush flavors. There’s too much residual sugar and they taste just too sweet and sugary. Orange Kiss Is hands-down the best flavor they have. It taste identical to orange soda and it’s not too sweet. Orange Kiss Isn’t even my favorite flavor, it’s my favorite, but it’s still the best one they have because of how well it imitates the real thing. Cosmic Stardust Is my favorite flavor and I would say it’s the second best drink that they have because it tastes so similar to grape soda and it doesn’t have that sugary and extra sweet taste like the slush flavors. Artctic White is also up there for me even if it’s hard to find now. A Target near me still has it and it tastes like the white Gatorade. I like Hawaiian Shaved Ice But since they rebranded it with a new design and a new flavor, I don’t like it as much. Again, it’s too sweet. Witches Brew Would probably be third or fourth place for me. It taste just like a green jolly rancher and it’s delicious. Watermelon Wave and Cherry Twist Would come after that for me. The watermelon is great because it’s sour and not too sweet and the cherry flavor is great because to me it taste like a not too sweet Slurpee. Coming after that, I would probably put peach and kiwi guava. Here are my top 10:

    1. Orange Kiss
    2. Cosmic Stardust
    3. Arctic White
    4. Witches Brew
    5. Rainbow Candy (I still have a case even though it’s discontinued)
    6. Watermelon Wave
    7. Cherry Twist
    8. Peach
    9. Hawaiian Shaved Ice
    10. Kimade

    I’ve been drinking Alani since it launched. I was an earlier supporter of Katy Hearn and was so excited when it dropped. I remember the original flavors and designs. It’s great to see how far they’ve come with branding. I take a ton of their supplements as well and bought so many of the STORI workout clothes when they came out and was so disappointed when they closed last year. My husband always jokes I should have stock in or work for Alani. Great brand!

  • The best Alani Nu flavor has unfortunately disappeared from stores near me in New Orleans area, Kiwi Guava. It was a unique and delicious drink. Nothing else quite like it in the energy drink world.

  • You forgot witches brew
