An Expert’s Take on the Best Coca-Cola Flavors

It’s me, I’m the expert. I’ve been drinking soda my entire life and absolutely adore it. And of all the sodas I’ve had, Coca-Cola is top tier. It is one of the best sodas you can drink.

When it comes to Coca-Cola, there are tons of flavors to choose from. There are fruity flavors and flavors that have no sugar. There are even Coke coffees now! I tried every flavor of Coca-Cola that is currently on the market to determine which version reigns supreme. And if you’re going to tell me that soda is terrible for me, just close this window now. This article is not for you.

best coke flavors

Best of the Best


The original Coke is the most delicious thing in the entire world. When I hear the can crack open, I start to salivate. The burn of that first sip is unparalleled. It’s sweet, crispy, and absolutely perfect. No flavors can compete with the OG. I simply do not have enough nice things to say about classic Coke. And, I don’t know, if Coca-Cola wants to send me some swag, I’m here…

Credit: Merc / Coca-Cola




best coke flavors

Best Fruit-Flavored

Cherry Coke

Cherry Coke is the only acceptable flavored Coke, in my opinion. I find the rest to be very bad. Cherry Coke, on the other hand, is the one variation where I think the flavoring adds something rather than detracting from the perfection that is pure Coca-Cola. While I don’t like it better than classic Coke, I understand why other people do. It’s a little fruity, a little medicinal, and very crisp. Think of it as Dr. Pepper’s more mild cousin.

Credit: Sarah Demonteverde / Coca-Cola




best coke flavors

Best Zero-Sugar

Cherry Coke Zero

If you like Coke Zero, you will like Cherry Coke Zero. It is the best tasting of all the zero sugar Cokes. I do not like it, but it has the least chemically taste of everything we tried. I think that classic Cherry Coke fruitiness helps cover up any lingering flavor of artificial sweetener. For my money, if you’re going to have a Coke, have a regular Coke. But if you insist on drinking sugarless beverages, this is the best of them.

Credit: Merc / Coca-Cola




best coke flavors

Cult Favorite

Diet Coke

I hate Diet Coke. I think it tastes very, very bad. That being said, I do understand the infatuation people have with it, because that’s how I feel about regular Coke. We are two sides of the same coin. I had to include Diet Coke on my list because I respect it. It has its own flavor, and it literally has people waking up early and going to McDonald’s for a soda first thing in the morning. I love that energy.

Credit: Merc / Walmart




best coke flavors

Best Coffee

Coca-Cola with Coffee – Mocha

I am not sure why anyone would ever buy this. In fact, I’m not sure why anyone thought to make this. I don’t think coffee enhances Coke or vice versa. It was, however, not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. If you’re an absolute caffeine freak, grab one of these to set your brain on fire. And if you’re going to pick one up, the Mocha is definitely the best. The chocolate notes add a nice little taste that’s reminiscent of a Coke float, but not nearly as good in any way, shape, or form.

Credit: Merc / Coca-Cola




Other Products We Tried: Vanilla Coke, Coffee Caramel, Coffee Vanilla, Coffee Dark Blend, Coke Zero, Cherry Vanilla Coke, Cherry Vanilla Coke Zero

About the Author

Jordan Myrick

Jordan is an L.A.-based writer and comedian who believes all food should come with extra sauce. When they're not writing for Sporked, Jordan is at the movies or sharing an order of french fries with their elderly chihuahua.

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  • My favorite is original Coke-cola! I crave it. I actually got to drinking more than 8 a day. I’ve cut back to 4. My Dr told me I was so full of Coke-cola that the sodium in it and amount actually was so much that it caused my blood to have water in it. It thinned my blood with water. Oh yes, I got very ill. It was the fact that I drank way too much. I feel so much better. Look up what happens when you do. I Googled it and read a lot of material on it. Coke-cola is still my favorite but of course I drink less now. Lol!

  • I actually like the coffee ones, but the mocha is by far the worst of the three

  • Cherry vanilla coke is my absolute favorite

  • The Coke with Coffee is phenomenal! I’m usually in lock-step with your food views, Jordan, but I am absolutely all for this one. 8.5/10. (Also, you mentioned it might be for caffeine freaks: caffeine-wise, there’s less caffeine in this (63mg) than a cup of coffee (80mg)).

    The Dark Blend is really the only one I like…the others are definitely pretty mid. But the original Dark Blend slaps!!

    • sorry – 69mg in the coke w/ coffee.

  • Coca-Cola managed to create a perfect flavor and then discontinued it. Orange-Vanilla.

    • Every once in a while they seem to bring all the vanilla variants back and then I’ve got a fully stocked fridge of Vanilla Zeroes to work through for months.

      • Jarathen you comment so much on these threads that you should become one of these reviewers. See if your taste buds can handle the criticism.