I bet you thought all gummy bears tasted the same—that Albanese gummy bears and Haribo gummy bears were practically identical. And I also bet you thought those were the only two gummy bear brands in the game. Oh, boy, you are so wrong. Aren’t you embarrassed? Don’t stress. We did the research for you and found the best gummy bears after tasting eight different brands.
But there isn’t just one ultimate gummy bear candy. There are five gummy bear brands that I think every gummy bear enthusiast (or gummy candy fan, in general) should try at least once in their life. Whether you prefer firm gummy bears or sour gummy bears or even a brand that really packs in the blue gummy bears, we found the best gummy bear brands for you.
A quick note: We have also tasted a giant gummy bear—the five-pound one. And I wouldn’t recommend it. Gummy bear just doesn’t taste very good when it’s carved off a giant bear foot. The whole charm of gummy bears (or gummi bears, depending on the brand) is that you get to eat a tiny bear with its lovely little textural nuances. That said, it is very fun to carve a giant gummy bear as if it was a Sunday roast. So, while we can’t recommend you buy one for the flavor, we think you should go ahead and buy that giant gummy bear, just for the fun of it.
Anyway, here are the best gummy bears.
- Great Value Gummy Bears
These Walmart gummy bears are way better than they need to be and you can get an absolutely massive bag (52oz) for just over six bucks. These are a total dream for folks who like their gummy bears extra firm and chewy (I count myself among their ranks). And the flavors are really bold and vibrant. The lemon is tangy. The orange flavor is super citrusy—if a little bit reminiscent of a vitamin C chewable tablet. They’re also a little bit powdery on the outside (just a remnant of the gummy bear making process), but we liked how that added to the textural experience.
Credit: Merc / Walmart
- Signature Select Gummi Bears Candy
I love how these gummy bears—excuse me, gummi bears—look. These have the correct level of translucence and they are really big—about one and a half times the size of the Walmart gummy bears. They’re on the softer side but they still have a nice chew—they’re not just extra-firm Jell-O like some of the other gummy bears we tried. And if you’re a fan of blue gummy bears, this is one of the best gummy bears brands for you. The blue gummy bears taste like classic blue raspberry in the best way. And let’s talk about their fashion sense. These bears are sporting sunglasses and bowties like they’re cosplaying as Duckie from Pretty in Pink. Adorbs!
Credit: Merc / Albertsons
- Haribo Goldbears Sour
These sour gummy bears didn’t make our list of the best sour candy because they’re not scrape-the-taste-buds-off-your-tongue sour, but they’re still really good. I love how firm they are (just like classic Haribo gummy bears) and I really appreciate the fact that the sour sugar doesn’t fall off the gummy bear. It sticks to it perfectly so you don’t end up with a sugary mess on your hands. If you’re looking for gummy bears with a little something extra, these are the best gummy bears for you.
Credit: Merc / Walmart
- Albanese Gummy Bears
Look, when it comes to the best gummy bears, it really is a tie between Albanese gummy bears and Haribo gummy bears. Both are very, very good. Albanese gummy bears are a little softer than Haribo gummy bears. But the real category in which Albanese takes the win is variety. There are a ton of Albanese gummy bear flavors and they all come in beautiful hues—including blue. So, blue gummy bears fans, here’s another brand for you to check out. From a purely aesthetic point of view, the Albanese blue gummy bears are a prettier shade of blue than the Signature Select. It’s like a Mediterranean sea blue. Gorgeous.
Credit: Merc / Amazon
- Haribo Goldbears
I think Haribo gummy bears are perfect. They’re so firm and chewy and they have such distinct, incredible flavors. I think the clear pineapple flavor alone earns Haribo the title of best gummy bears. It’s tropical and zesty. The red (raspberry) is rich and fruity. The green (strawberry, oddly enough) is tart and tasty. The orange (orange) and the yellow (lemon) are citrusy. You can keep going back for bear after bear and easily get through a whole bag in one sitting. But, in the end, it really comes down to texture. If you like a firm bear, you’re going to pick Haribo every time. If you like it a little softer, Alabanese is your girl. Personally, I’m team Haribo, but if Albanese wants to try to change my mind by sending me a lifetime supply of gummy bears, I’m open to switching teams.
Credit: Merc / Target
Best Firm
Best Cute
Best Sour
Best Variety
Best of the Best
Other gummy bears brands we tried: 365, Kroger Gummi Bears, Black Forest Organic Gummy Bears