I adore Grocery Outlet Bargain Market. I had never heard of it until a few years ago when my girlfriend’s mom turned me on to it. I assumed it was just another discount grocery store. What I found when I went there was much, much more. Grocery Outlet Bargain Market is an unexpected vegan paradise.
They have truly every single vegan product imaginable. They have plant-based products I have never even heard of before! The vegan Grocery Outlet goodies are out of this world and it’s time that everybody knows about it. Here are the best vegan products to look for on your next trip to Grocery Outlet Bargain Market.
- Vegan Chicken Alternatives
The all-star vegan Grocery Outlet products are chicken alternatives. I’ve seen their shelves stocked with fake chick’n items from both Beyond and Impossible. My Grocery Outlet Bargain Market is currently stocked with meatless chicken from Daring, one of the fancier brands. In need of chickless chicken? You should absolutely be shopping at GOBM.
- Vegan Frozen Burritos
There are so many Grocery Outlet vegan options when it comes to frozen burritos. Mine carries MingBings, Alpha, and Red’s, just to name a few. These are the perfect quick and simple meal for any time of day, so stock up ASAP. Vegans shouldn’t be excluded from delicious microwaveable meals.
- Vegan Ice Cream
Grocery Outlet has a vegan ice cream selection unlike any other. Nada Moo!, GoodPop, Chloe’s: You name it, they probably have it! I cannot believe how many flavors and brands are available. If you’re doing a vegan Grocery Outlet shopping trip, make sure to hit up the freezer section. You will be impressed.
- Vegan Frozen Pizzas
Speaking of Grocery Outlet vegan options in the freezer section, vegan frozen pizzas are always stocked at my GOBM. Right now, you can get plant-based pies from the brand Oggi Foods. I’ve also seen them sell vegan frozen pizzas made by Amy’s and The Tattooed Chef. Pizza night is cheap, easy, and vegan thanks to Grocery Outlet.
- Actual Vegetables
Grocery Outlet Bargain Market has a huge selection when it comes to veggies. They have everything from lettuces and salad kits, to cooked veggies (like these pre-roasted beets), to preserved veggies. The Grocery Outlet Bargain Market near me is the only store in the area that stocks fresh plantains! Vegans, do not sleep on the vegetable options at this store.
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