You Can Wear Your Love of Cup Noodles. On Your Face.

If you are one of those people (and believe me, I’ve met plenty) who wants their face to look like affordable but delicious noodles, then you are in luck. Just this week, HipDot, a Los Angeles-based vegan makeup company, released a collab with Nissin Cup Noodles. What does a struggle-meal-inspired makeup palette entail, and what makes it so deliciously ramen-y (not literally, please don’t eat it)? Well, let’s find out.

Y’all, there have been a TON of food/makeup collabs. HipDot alone has released makeup palettes themed to Peeps, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, and Tapatío hot sauce, and there have been many others among other brands (remember the e.l.f. Chipotle palette?). It seems that in most food-makeup collabs, the packing is the most inspired-by-the-food part of the experience. And by packaging, I mean the outside of the packages but also the names of the products and color shades. Occasionally we get a related scent. This Cup Noodles collab seems to stop at the packaging, but that’s not all that disappointing for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that with these things, it’s often the thought that counts more than the execution (if people like the food brand, they will buy the makeup), and the second reason is that I, like most people, don’t necessarily want my makeup to smell like chicken. It seems our buddies over at HipDot and Nissin figured that was the case and innovated accordingly. Thanks, guys.

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Breakfast comes in all shapes and sizes: liquid Instant ramen is one of the greatest foods on planet Earth. I regularly partake in the wonder that is packaged ramen with no shame.

So what kinds of makeup are available, exactly? It’s a somewhat extensive list. They’ve got the Cup Noodles Pigment Palette, which looks like a package of Cup Noodles on the outside and contains eight colors on the inside with food-centric names: Diced Carrot, Hot & Spicy, Ramen Noodle, Roasted Corn, Seasoning, Soy Sauce, Spicy Chile, and Teriyaki.” They’ve got a “Cup Noodles Lip and Cheek Set,” which includes two liquid blush/lip colors called “Hot Sauce” and “Sesame” and a liquid highlighter called “Lemon.” And, lastly, they have a giant collector’s box that comes with all of the noodly goodies I already mentioned, plus a a powder puff, a makeup bag, and a set of chopsticks.

I’m curious if there are people who like cup noodles (and makeup) enough to drop $58 on the whole set. Actually, who am I kidding, of course there are. People love Cup Noodles, people love makeup, and people love buying things. All in all seems like a pretty rock-solid business decision. I think some marketing person somewhere was certainly using their noodle. Maybe even a whole cup of them!

H/T Food & Wine

About the Author

Jessica Block

Jessica Block is a freelance contributor to Sporked, a comedian, a baker, a food writer, and a firm believer that Trader Joe's may just be the happiest place on earth. She loves spicy snacks, Oreos, baking bread, teeny tiny avocados, and trying new foods whenever she can. Also, if you give her a bag of Takis she will be your best friend.

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