I have always been a fan of Kind Bars. I have also always been a fan of kind people. I have also always been a fan of Kind of Blue, the classic 1959 Miles Davis album. The point is, I like nice people, good jazz, and perhaps most relevant to this article, I like Kind Bars, the granola bars that disrupted the granola bar space by daring to…well…not be made of granola. Kind Bars have always gone for a heartier mix of dried fruits and nuts instead, balancing them out with chocolate and other sweet things and, in some cases, a touch of salt as well. They are about as gourmet as mainstream granola bars get, and just as we all got comfortable with the granola bar options this world has to offer, they have thrown us a curveball: Kind Bars savory granola bars.
This is genius. As a salty over sweet snacking girlie 11 times out of 10, I am SO on board with this concept. But how was Kind Bar’s execution of this concept, you ask? Read on to find out if these new savory granola bars are an umami revelation or an abomination whose very existence we should all be salty about.
- Kind Savory Paprika Nuts & Mesquite Smoked Sea Salt
Pros: These savory Kind Bars—made with almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and crispy brown rice—immediately smelled and tasted like a cross between BBQ potato chips and hickory smoked almonds. These savory Kind Bars are the saltiest of the three flavors, but they aren’t too salty (promise) and they still have a hint of sweetness from the sugar syrup they use to get all the nuts and seeds to stick together.
Cons: The smoke flavor can be a lot at times depending on the particular bit you get. If you are bothered by a smoky, almost campfire-y aftertaste, you may not be the hugest fan of these savory granola bars. But again, most bites of this were delightful, so I’d say if you are a BBQ chips kind of guy, you will also be a smoky Kind Bar kind of guy.
- Kind Savory Rosemary Nuts and Sea Salt
Pros: This flavor is a bit polarizing because it doesn’t taste like rosemary, it tastes like ROSEMARY. So if you like rosemary, you will absolutely love these Kind Bars. These are also the only variety without any smokiness. Instead, the flavor profile balances sweet, salty, umami, and the bold, pine-y herbaceousness of rosemary to create a Cup Noodles/boullion-esque flavor that tastes a bit like Thanksgiving stuffing—especially the aftertaste, which is lovely.
Cons: This is a TON of rosemary. I know some people love that, but for me I think these savory granola bars could have used a bit more salt and a bit less rosemary. When you bite into one, rosemary is all you taste at first. It was almost like one of those packets for the bath that make everything smell nice. That said, if you get a bite with an almond, there is a bit less concentrated rosemary flavor and it does balance out to be pretty pleasant, so like the paprika bars, it depends a bit what you get in your bite. That said, if you are an herby gal, this will be your jam.
- Kind Savory Roasted Nuts and Jalapeño
Pros: Right away, I loved the smell of these Roasted Nuts & Jalapeño bars. They have a savory aroma, like the fried jalapeño bits you would use to top a salad, and they taste a little like those, too. True to their name, these savory Kind Bars have some heat, but it is the perfect level of spice in that you can feel it and appreciate the complexity it contributes, but it won’t immediately make you reach for the milk. The flavor is somewhere between fried jalapeño bits, jalapeño poppers, and Cool Ranch Doritos, but with a lovely hint of sweetness and smokiness. I LOVED this flavor of savory granola bars, and would buy a box for myself with my own hard-earned money.
Cons: Truly, no cons here. If you don’t want your granola bars to be slightly spicy, I guess do not buy these. But other than that, I say go get ‘em, because these are a gosh darn delight.