I absolutely love Pringles. I don’t care that they’re made from “dehydrated processed potato” and aren’t technically potato chips as a result. They’re crispy, flavoring clings to their surfaces beautifully, and you can eat a shitload of them even if you shouldn’t really eat a shitload of them. Did you notice how excited everyone got when the new Taylor Swift album came out? That’s me when a new Pringles flavor drops.
To my delight, Pringles recently released two new flavors (exclusively at Walmart): Hot Honey and Philly Cheesesteak. Are they the Midnights of potato crisps? My colleague Jordan Myrick and I tasted them to find out.
We tried these as part of a blind taste test—Jordan put on a blindfold and tried to guess the flavors without looking at the cans. Jordan thought these smelled like the powder packet that comes in a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese; I thought they smelled like something much, much worse. If you can get past the stink (I barely could), these chips are a little bit peppery (but, jalapeño peppery rather than bell peppery) and certainly fake cheesy, but there’s no meaty flavor whatsoever. They’re weird, but not good weird. I don’t recommend buying these—and I definitely don’t recommend smelling them.
Jordan guessed that these were sweet chili flavored, which wasn’t far off! These are sweet and a little spicy and, much like sweet chili sauce, don’t really taste like honey at all. These definitely don’t taste bad, but the sweetness is a little weird after you’ve downed a stack of them. I didn’t hate them, but I wouldn’t pick up a can of these again.
Credit: Sarah Demonteverde
Blind Tasting Pringles Philly Cheesesteak and Pringles Hot Honey
Gwynedd Stuart, Sporked’s managing editor, is an L.A.-based writer and editor who spends way, way too much time at the grocery store. She’s never met an Old El Paso taco or mozzarella stick she didn’t like.
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