Now vs. Nostalgia: Are These Red Baron Pizzas As Good As I Remember?

I grew up on Red Baron Deep Dish Personal Pizzas. As a kid, I ate one every single chance I got—as an afternoon snack, or as dinner on a night when my parents were working late. I loved them so passionately that I have permanent damage on the roof of my mouth from biting into them before they had properly cooled. But then one day, it’s like I forgot they existed.

I’m not sure what happened. I remember eating them multiple times a week and then I remember not eating them. It didn’t seem weird at the time. It wasn’t an intentional decision I made. It’s not like my mom took a stand and stopped buying them. But you know teens, one day something is hot and the next day it is not. Red Baron Deep Dish Personal Pizzas ceased being a part of my life.

I am now an adult and have let at least ten years go by without eating one of my formerly beloved personal Red Barons. Luckily, I work at a company that let me pitch an article where I would get to revisit the Red Baron Deep Dish Personal Pizza. I arrived at the office, toasted up one of these little pies from my youth, and got to work figuring out if these extra saucy personal pizzas are actually delicious to me now that I’m an adult or if nostalgia has tricked me into believing these freezer treats are better than they are.

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red baron deep dish


Red Baron Deep Dish Personal Pizza

After a whopping 23 minutes in the toaster oven (much longer than most personal meals from the freezer section), my little deep dish was complete. Upon first glance, I was skeptical. It had orange cheese on it. Was it…cheddar? I wasn’t sure, but it did give me pause. The initial saving grace was that it smelled fantastic. When I sunk my teeth into the pizza, I was more cautious than I had been in the past. To my surprise, when you wait like five minutes to let it cool, the sauce doesn’t scald all the skin off the roof of your mouth. Good to know. The crust was crisp on the outside and soft and a little chewy on the inside. The cheese was thick and melty, with bits of cheese that had gotten crunchy around the edges of the crust. The sauce was plentiful. It had the perfect balance of sweet and savory. I am thrilled to report that the Red Baron Deep Dish Personal Pizza gets a resounding NOW!

Credit: Sarah Demonteverde / Walmart




About the Author

Jordan Myrick

Jordan is an L.A.-based writer and comedian who believes all food should come with extra sauce. When they're not writing for Sporked, Jordan is at the movies or sharing an order of french fries with their elderly chihuahua.

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  • Totally agree, but some point between the square cardboard and the circle cardboard they changed their recipe and it doesn’t have much flavor anymore.

  • I love the small deep dish pizzas. I put extra cheese on the pizzas, then put them in the microwave for the time it says. Mmmmmm!!!!

  • The new pepperoni deep dish is WAY better than the one I grew up with.
