Everything We Know About the 2025 Red Bull Spring Edition So Far

Folks, I don’t love being lied to. Here I was, trusting a brand that said “no more Spring Edition Red Bull” in October of last year, and now I’m hearing rumors of a new Red Bull Spring Edition coming in 2025! So, I’m here, foot in mouth, to talk about Red Bull’s plans to make me look silly.

A word of caution: Distribution plans can and do change. While I believe this information is accurate at this time, there’s always a chance Red Bull postpones this new flavor to a later date—or cancels it entirely. 

What’s the new Red Bull Spring Edition?

Drumroll please… Red Bull Spring Edition 2025 is expected to taste like Woodruff & Pink Grapefruit. I’ll tackle that immediate followup question first: Woodruff is a flowering herb native to Europe and especially popular in Germany in various drinks and desserts. What does woodruff taste like? According to Spiceography, woodruff is actually more known for its honey/vanilla scent rather than its flavor, which skews bitter. (Vanilla is certainly a winning note in Red Bull flavors recently, so I’m not mad about that.)

Pink grapefruit is a tricky flavor to nail down, since many different grapefruit variants are described as pink. Taking the “pink lemonade is just a less tart lemonade” approach means we can expect next year’s Spring Red Bull will have a sweet, lightly floral grapefruit flavor.

When will the 2025 Red Bull Spring Edition be released?

At this time, Red Bull Spring Edition 2025 is expected to be released in February 2025. Historically, Walmart has gotten these new releases a few weeks ahead of schedule; time will tell whether that’s the case again. If the launch is anything like this year’s Winter Edition, you’ll want to keep a sharp eye out. Red Bull Winter Edition 2024 is drastically under-stocked compared to the nationwide demand.

Where did this news come from?

As usual, this comes from a mix of sources—some public, some not! The Red Bull subreddit has been talking about this flavor for a few weeks now, which led me to contacting a few historically reliable sources directly for confirmation. As expected, I wasn’t able to get any concrete answer from Red Bull themselves regarding these rumors. Once we get official information, I’ll be sure to update this piece.

About the Author

Griffin Parker

Griffin Parker is a writer, award-winning charity auctioneer, and "influencer in the beverage space" according to a few PR agencies. Please do not ask him about the cotton candy business he started right out of high school. When he's not contributing to Sporked or running the @SodaSeekers news pages, you can find Griffin espousing the virtues of Dayton-style pizza, Cincinnati-style chili, and Dolly Parton's Fabulously Fudgy Brownie Mix.

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