If there’s one thing I know about Walgreens, it’s that it is located “at the corner of happy and healthy.” Their ads have made sure we’re all aware of that. And this week, Walgreens has a new product to the “happy” side of the store. The product, called Chipotle Ranch Wavy Pringle, looks absolutely bomb. You can only find these only at Walgreens and for a limited time.
Kellogg’s, the company that makes Pringles, has described the flavor as “when a cool & creamy favorite combines with a smoky & spicy kick.” If that’s not enough to get your taste buds tinglin’, I don’t know what is. I imagine these chips would taste almost like a spicy ranch bacon-type situation, and now that I’ve said that, I’m feeling a strong urge to type “the corner of happy and healthy” into my GPS and drive there as fast as I can (the chips are only there for a limited time, after all).
As for the waves, I have personally never had a wavy Pringle. I assume it would add a bit of satisfying crunch the same way a Ruffles texture does. All the more reason for me to try these! My only concern is I hope the waves won’t negatively affect my ability to make a duckbill with two Pringles in my mouth. To put it in HGTV lingo, duckbill potential is on my list of Pringles must-haves.
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