What Is Barley?

Just as versatile as wheat or oats, barley is used in bread, beverages (alcoholic and otherwise), stews, and more. However, the question remains, “why isn’t barley talked about as much as those more popular grains?” Perhaps it all comes down to awareness and understanding. Well, today, we’re cracking the question, “what is barley?” Finally, all you barley-heads in the comments of our other articles will be subsided! Let’s do it!  

What is barley? Is barley a grain?

Barley is a cereal grain. It’s the edible seed of a grass from the Poaceae family, which grows all over the world. Barley is the fourth largest grain crop in the world.

Okay, but is barley a whole grain?

Yes, barley is a whole grain—as long as you get hulled barley. Pearled barley has had the hull and bran removed, which strips it of its whole grain-ness.

Is barley wheat?

No, barley is not wheat. Barley and wheat are both members of the grass family and have similar uses and characteristics, but they are different plants. In the great battle of barley vs wheat, barley is actually more nutritious. It contains more fiber and it is typically less processed than wheat, so it retains more nutrients. But wheat is better for baking. 

Is barley gluten free?

No, even though barley is not wheat, it is not gluten-free. It contains gluten. Barley should be considered an outlaw grain for those with a gluten intolerance. 

What is barley used for?

Barley is used in soups, stews, and grain bowls—and it can also be ground into flour and used to make bread. Though, these days, it is primarily grown as animal feed and to make alcoholic beverages, especially beer. You can use it for confetti at weddings, but only if you’re fine with the fact that you may not be invited to the reception later.

What is malted barley?

Malted barley is barley that has been soaked in water until it starts to germinate or sprout. After that, it is dried and turned regularly. This process creates enzymes that help convert starch to sugar during the brewing process. Did we say brewing? Yes, we did. Malted barley is a major ingredient in beer making. Pale ales are made with malted barley that’s dried at a low temperature. Raise that temp a bit and you’ll get malt for your amber ales. Raise it more and you’ll be ready to brew some brown ales. Even more? We’re talking porters and stouts. 

What is pearl barley?

Pearl barley is a type of barley that has had its outer hull and some or all of its bran layer removed. It is the type of barley you’re most likely to see on the grocery store shelves. It is less chewy and cooks faster than other types of barley. 

The next time you’re rockin’ out to Raffi and you hear the lyrics, “Do you or I or anyone know how oats, peas, beans and barley grow?” you can feel confident about barley, at least.

About the Author

Joe Rumrill

Joe Rumrill is a fictional one-eyed spinach-loving sailor created in 1929 by E.C Se- Wait, no, that's not right... Joe Rumrill is a stand up comedian and writer currently based in Los Angeles. His favorite thing about food is a close tie between the taste and the nutrients one gets from it. His least favorite thing about it is the "gritty, dirt-like quality some food has", but he's most likely referring to the time in third grade he was dared to eat playground sand.

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