What Is Sea Moss?

Far be it from me to raise my eyebrows over what people want to consume in their day-to-day life, but I’ll be honest, when I saw today’s topic, I had to double check that I wasn’t hired to write for some oceanography hobby site instead of a food one. What is sea moss and why are people eating this stuff? Let’s dive in (literally). 

What is sea moss?

Sea moss (aka Irish moss, aka red seaweed) is a type of seaweed. It grows in tidepools all over the place, including coastal North America and Europe. And you’ve probably had it without even knowing it. Sea moss or, at least, an element within sea moss, is used by food producers as a thickener in things like cottage cheese, ice cream, and toothpaste. But it can also be “enjoyed” on its own. 

What does sea moss taste like?

Sea moss, as you might expect from something that is harvested from a tidepool, has a fishy/beachy taste, and a pretty darn slimy texture. 

What is sea moss good for?

Sea moss, despite its questionable taste, really does have an awful lot of purported health benefits. Sea moss is said to promote good gut health, and it is high in omega fatty acids (like many of the delectable denizens of the deep). It can also possibly enliven your thyroid health, and has lots of vitamins C and D, which we can all use a lot more of. It’s also high in fiber, so some folks use it to aid in slowing digestion and lowering blood sugar levels. Also, eating a bunch of it can effectively gross out your little niece or nephew, which can pass the time while you’re saddled with babysitting duties. 

What is sea moss gel?

Sea moss gel is a viscous gel made from blending sea moss with water. Sea moss gel can be eaten on its own, blended into a smoothie, dissolved into tea, or stirred into soup. But it can also be used on your skin or in your hair! 

How to eat sea moss?

Sea moss is most popularly consumed in the aforementioned gel form, which can be easily added to a plethora of recipes like smoothies, sauces, and even ice cream (if you want to make the ice cream taste insane, that is). You can also eat it straight from the ocean, if you’re that kind of person.

About the Author

Joe Rumrill

Joe Rumrill is a fictional one-eyed spinach-loving sailor created in 1929 by E.C Se- Wait, no, that's not right... Joe Rumrill is a stand up comedian and writer currently based in Los Angeles. His favorite thing about food is a close tie between the taste and the nutrients one gets from it. His least favorite thing about it is the "gritty, dirt-like quality some food has", but he's most likely referring to the time in third grade he was dared to eat playground sand.

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