Best Mustard We’ve Found in Our Taste Tests

The best mustard can come in so many different forms. I think all mustard, however, should have some tang and acidity, a strong flavor (whatever that flavor may be), and be super spreadable for sandwiches.

I adore mustard. I think you should replace your daily coffee with a spoonful of mustard to add a little more pep and flavor to your day. In my opinion, mustard is one of the best condiments of all time. If you also love mustard and want to buy the best mustard possible, this is the list for you! We’ve found a lot of great mustard in our many mustard taste tests here at Sporked. Whether you like Dijon, yellow, or spicy brown mustard, check out this list of the absolute best mustard we’ve tasted.

best whole grain mustard

Best Whole Grain

Trader Joe’s Whole Grain Dijon Mustard

If you can believe it, Trader Joe’s makes the best whole grain mustard. It’s better than all the fancy, expensive brands. It has twang, saltiness, and even a little bit of sweetness. The whole grains in this mustard burst like caviar in your mouth. This would be perfect on a cheese or charcuterie board.

Read the full ranking of the best whole grain mustard

Credit: Liv Averett / Trader Joe’s




best spicy brown mustard

Best Spicy Brown

Great Value Spicy Brown Mustard

I think spicy brown mustard is the perfect sandwich mustard. It adds such a sharp taste that perfectly cuts through cold cuts, mayo, and sliced cheese. The best spicy brown mustard we found in our taste test is made by Walmart. Surprised? We’re not! Walmart makes great products in general that are truly a great value. This spicy brown mayo is so sharp it makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

Read the full ranking of the best spicy brown mustard

Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart




best yellow mustard

Best Yellow

Kroger Yellow Mustard

Yellow mustard is iconic. It is unapologetically flavorful. When I meet someone who doesn’t like yellow mustard, I judge them a little! How could you not love one of the best condiments on the face of this Earth? The best yellow mustard is this yellow mustard from Kroger. This did surprise me. With mustard, I typically shop for brand names. After this taste test, I stopped. This mustard has the best tartness and the best overall mustard flavor.

Read the full ranking of the best yellow mustard

Credit: Liv Averett / Kroger




best dijon mustard

Best Dijon

Maille Original Dijon Mustard

Maille Dijon mustard is world renowned, in part because it’s just so wonderfully pungent. It’s like a kick in the mouth (and I mean that in a good way). This is the best Dijon mustard we found in our taste test, but it’s probably most people’s ideal Dijon mustard. It’s famous for a reason!

Read the full ranking of the best Dijon mustard

Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart




best honey mustard

Best Honey Mustard

Beaver Honey Mustard

I love this Beaver honey mustard because it’s sweet and tart. It’s not just the best honey mustard, but the most complex honey mustard. It touches every single taste bud on your tongue. The heat and sweetness would be wonderful on a fried chicken sandwich. To be honest, this would be good on pretty much anything.

Read the full ranking of the best honey mustard

Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart




About the Author

Jordan Myrick

Jordan is an L.A.-based writer and comedian who believes all food should come with extra sauce. When they're not writing for Sporked, Jordan is at the movies or sharing an order of french fries with their elderly chihuahua.