You don’t have to live in a quaint, thatched-roof cabin in the English countryside to enjoy cottage cheese—you just have to come up with something good to eat it with. This clumpy, loose cheese may be polarizing (some people just can’t handle curds!), but it’s delicious, especially if you buy the best. If you’re a fan, you’ve probably had it with pineapple tidbits or a nice halved cantaloupe, but there’s a world of options out there. If you’re wondering what to eat with cottage cheese for lunch, breakfast, or even dinner, give some of these options a try.
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- Del Monte Sliced Peaches in 100% Juice
Peaches are the first things that come to mind when I think of what to eat with cottage cheese. The two go together really well—the slight acidity from the peaches cuts through the rich, creaminess of the cottage cheese. Fresh peaches will work just fine, but when you have places to be, it doesn’t hurt to have a can of sliced peaches on hand. Del Monte’s canned peach slices are sweet, tasty, and have a nice, soft texture from marinating in the juice they were packed in. Peaches and cream is a classic combo for a reason.
- Ritz Crackers
In Sporked’s best cracker ranking, Danny Palumbo tells it like it is: Ritz crackers are number one! They’re perfectly salty and, in my opinion, they hold up pretty well to a hefty topping if you’re careful. Grab a spoon and load up some Ritz with scoops of creamy, curdy cottage cheese. Danny wrote that the flavor of the crackers is “only enhanced by whatever you top it with,” and cottage cheese makes a great accompaniment. The salty, buttery quality of a Ritz pairs well with cottage cheese and brings the savory side of cottage cheese, which is fun if you’re used to eating it in preparations that lean sweet.
- McCormick Black Pepper
I’m guilty of this too, but sometimes many of us forget that cottage cheese is still cheese. And like many other cheeses, it tastes extremely good paired with black pepper. Most any ground black pepper will do, but McCormick is high quality and affordable. My great-grandma used to prepare cottage cheese this way, and I know other people are onto this savory snack, too. Try a few sprinkles the next time you’re feelin’ adventurous.
- St. Dalfour Strawberry Fruit Spread
Fruit always seems to come to mind whenever I’m thinking of what to eat with cottage cheese. Another way to get that sweet, fruity tang into a scoop of cottage cheese is to stir in a little bit of jam. I recommend strawberry jam, which has just a hint of acidity and frequently has big chunks of fruit in the mix. In Sporked’s best strawberry jam ranking, Danny placed St. Dalfour’s Strawberry Fruit Spread at the top of the list. “It’s got a nice, grainy strawberry seed texture to it,” he wrote. Combined with the curds in the cottage cheese, we’re talking about a textural experience that will elevate breakfast or brunch to a whole new level.
- Cinnamon and Honey
Cottage cheese is big on creaminess, of course, but it lacks in the spice department. That’s where cinnamon comes in to spice things up, literally. And if you’re adding cinnamon, honey is a must, too. Whichever ground cinnamon you have in the ol’ spice rack will do, but we recommend being a little more choosey when it comes to the honey. In our ranking of the best honey at the grocery store, editor-in-chief Justine Sterling put Local Hive SoCal Honey in the top spot, calling it “ incredibly versatile, balancing sweetness with floral notes and herbal notes.” That versatility makes it great bowl of cottage cheese. This combo is good, so don’t knock it ‘til you try it.