Am I Late to Finding Out They Make Zombie Takis for Halloween?

Zombie Takis raise the question: Why should candy companies get to have all the fun during Halloween season? Seriously, how is it that these green seasonal Takis were released in 2012 and I’m just hearing about them this Halloween season!? This egregious oversight can only be fixed in one way––with a taste test.

Takis Fuego are bright red, pleasantly tangy, and easy to love. Naturally, I had to wonder if seasonal Zombie Takis could hold a candle to their original counterpart. Hoping to be turned into a Takis zombie, I plunged into the bag of chips and came out with gleefully green fingers. These little rolled-up corn chips are habanero and cucumber flavored, and I really like this spin on the original Takis formula. The seasoning on these is tangy and spicy, much like the original Takis Fuego, but the tang from the cucumber is really refreshing, something I never thought I would find myself saying about a chip.

Speaking of refreshing, I think a savory snack idea for Halloween is a really refreshing idea. I feel like I could’ve gotten a lot more longevity of out my batch of Halloween candy as a kid if I had had more salty, savory snacks to break things up, so to speak. It takes a lot to shovel nothing but sweets into your face, even when you’re a kid. Having a savory surprise in the pillow case of treats will let you get that second wind, ultimately allowing you to eat even more candy. Takis impressed me with this rollout, and I hope they continue to zombie it up every Halloween.




About the Author

Naajia Shukri

Naajia Shukri is the legit biggest fan of candy corn. She is interested in all things food, art, and beauty. After living in Korea for the past two years, she has gotten back to her L.A. roots, frequenting thrift stores and art museums.

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