The 7 Best Finds in the Five Below Candy Aisle

Five Below is a place of wonder. Where do you go when you need a basketball, a new T-shirt, cheap electronics, and candy? Five Below, of course. They have a ton of candy here. We all need a ton of candy. Put some in your desk at work for a naughty midday treat. Keep a fistful around to motivate your kids to finally clean their room. The possibilities are endless! At Five Below, you’ll find the usual suspects that you’d find in any candy aisle – Reese’s, Skittles, and M&M’s. We’re not here to waste time on those. Instead, this is a roundup of the best stuff to grab in the Five Below candy section if you want something strange, unique, and hard to find anywhere else.

Hi-Chew Dessert Mix

Did you read Sporked’s review of the new Hi-Chew Dessert Mix and wonder where you could find these delicious treats? Look no further than the Five Below candy section! In the mix you’ll find Candy Apple, Strawberry Ice Cream, and Key Lime Pie. Two of the three flavors (key lime pie and candy apple) were a home run for Sporked’s Gwynedd Stuart, and the third wasn’t too far behind. At the very least, you can pawn the strawberry ice cream Hi-Chews off onto your kids. They’ll just be happy they got some sugar!

Necco Wafers

It’s 2024. We no longer need to suck on chalky discs simply to get sugar fix. Necco Wafers are not good. So why are they here? Because some people do like Necco Wafers. Old souls, to put it politely. They want a bit of nostalgia. And when they’re craving it, they need somewhere to go. Point them to the nearest Five Below, because this is one of the few stores that’ll have them in stock. Indefinitely. Because they’re not selling out of these things anytime soon!

Vidal Chili Peppers Filled Gummies

If you love gummy candy, Five Below is your jam. There’s whole wall of Haribo. A ton of Trolli. Even some Sour Patch Kids. Those are cliche! How often have you seen spicy gummy candy? Hardly ever! That’s what makes these chili peppers our choice. You want something new, something you can show off when you shop at the Five Below candy section. Otherwise you’d be at Target. Get these fiery gummies and set your day ablaze with fun.

Read our ranking of the best Haribo candies

Harry Potter Chocolate Frog

If you’ve seen Harry Potter, you’ve longed for a chocolate frog with a collectible wizard card that comes with it. Some things to note regarding this real-life version I spotted at Five Below: 1. The frogs don’t actually hop around. 2. The wizards on the cards don’t move either. Disappointing, but such is reality. It’s still a bit of candy and a fun prize in one, so it’s not all bad here. Grab one of these at Five Below to fulfill your childhood dreams (almost).

Sow Good Freeze Dried Rainbow Bites

That’s right. The product that was shoved down your throat on the TikTok shop is now available at Five Below! If you were wondering, yes, Five Below freeze dried candy exists. And if you made it through the freeze dried candy craze without giving into temptation (and the absurd prices) now’s your chance to try a bag for only $5. Will it change your life? Maybe. Will it be fun? Surely.

Jelly Belly Boba Milk Tea Jelly Beans

I know you’ve always dreamed of the delectable flavors of milk tea right in your pants pocket! You haven’t? Oh…well, they’re here anyway! Leave it to the creators of Dunkin’ Donuts iced coffee jelly beans to come up with another creation that leaves us thinking, “Well, I wasn’t craving these, but I might as well try them now that they’re here.” For the low buy-in of $5, you can get yourself a flight of mango, taro, matcha, strawberry, and Thai milk tea jelly beans at Five Below.

Toxic Waste Sour Candy Mega Tube

Move over, $5 footlong. Make way for the $5 18-inch sour candy mega tube! It doesn’t quite roll off the tongue as well, but after all this sour candy, you won’t have a tongue to worry about anyway! There are five flavors awaiting you in the mega tube: blue raspberry, lemon, apple, watermelon, and black cherry. Which means there’s bound to be something you’ll enjoy before your taste buds go on strike. Add this to your Five Below candy haul…if you dare.

About the Author

Vinz Karl

Vinz Karl is a freelance contributor to Sporked and self-proclaimed Guy Fieri superfan. He believes in breakfast supremacy and is on a never-ending mission to try every flavor of Oreo out there. Originally from the Midwest, Vinz now resides in Los Angeles, where you can find him going on hikes, checking out new restaurants, and preparing for his eventual casting on CBS's Survivor.

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