The Best Tart Cherry Juice to Put You Right to Sleep

The best tart cherry juice is tart, but not too tart, and should knock you out immediately.

You’ve probably heard about people using tart cherry juice as a sleep aid from TikTok. While the actual sleepytime benefits of tart cherry juice are debated, no one can deny that tart cherries contain melatonin, which, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, is “a hormone that your brain produces in response to darkness” that “helps with the timing of your circadian rhythms (24-hour internal clock) and with sleep.”

Never had tart cherry juice? It sounds intense, but it’s not bad at all! It tastes like less sweet cranberry juice. I’m not even that into cherries and I really liked it.

We tried many bottles to find the best tart cherry juice you can buy at the grocery store. Based on taste and cost, it was an easy choice! It’s time to crack open one of these bottles of tart cherry juice to make a wonderful tart cherry juice mocktail to help you sleep like a baby.

tart cherry juice


Great Value 100% Tart Cherry Juice

For some reason, this tart cherry juice tastes like Christmas. I double checked the label to make sure it didn’t have cinnamon or nutmeg or allspice in it. Nope! Just tart cherry juice. Something about the cherries they use makes this taste like warm, winter spices. It’s tart, but not too tart. It would be wonderful mixed into a cocktail or made into the TikTok famous sleepy girl tart cherry juice mocktail.

Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart




best tart cherry juice

Best of the Best

365 by Whole Foods Organic Tart Cherry Juice

This was the sweetest tart cherry juice we tried. Don’t worry, though. No sugar has been added. It’s just from the cherries they use. And while it is on the sweeter side, it has a wonderful tartness. It tastes almost like cranberry juice. I don’t even particularly like cherries and I loved this and would buy it again, so obviously I am insisting you try this tart cherry juice!

Credit: Liv Averett / Whole Foods




Other Products We Tried:
Simple Truth, Trader Joe’s, Langers, Knudsen, Open Nature

About the Author

Jordan Myrick

Jordan is an L.A.-based writer and comedian who believes all food should come with extra sauce. When they're not writing for Sporked, Jordan is at the movies or sharing an order of french fries with their elderly chihuahua.

Thoughts? Questions? Complete disagreement? Leave a comment!

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  • Langer’s taste best to me. Trader Joe’s used to be my favorite but more recently they have changed it somehow. Pretty much tried them all

  • Just wondering, did either of them make you sleepy too?

  • Would have loved to know where the others ones ranked. Where they that bad to leave off? If you tasted them why not at least show the rank, as this article only leaves two options one that taste like Christmas and one that taste like cranberries.

    • Hi Joe! We only write up the products we actually would recommend you buy. The others are either bad or just fine. Our hope is to guide you to the best products out there.

    • i agree, the only one I can find in Vancouver is Knudsen, so it would be great to know how far down the list it is. Also, what are the grading factors?

  • How was the actual ability to help as a sleep aid though?

  • how is it as a sleep aid though did you notice any effects?

  • You might have included 1 too many to’s in the title 🙂
