BOO! That’s the sound of the spooky season sneaking up on us now that August is dwindling to a close and summer is taking its final bows. With the long-anticipated holidays rapidly approaching, it’s only fitting that Halloween-themed items are also creeping their way back into supermarkets, including the long-time seasonal staple: Monster Cereals from General Mills. And, this year, they’re not coming alone.
General Mills has been producing “Count Chocula” and “Franken Berry” since 1971, rendering the products hallmarks of Halloween breakfast foods. The iconic Monster Cereal trio, completed in 1972 with the release of “Boo Berry,” was soon accompanied by “Frute Brute” in 1974 and “Yummy Mummy” in 1987, both of which were laid to rest before the turn of the century. The later decision to cease year-round production of Monster Cereal in 2009 left many hungry for more–and made the return of the heroes in 2021 that much sweeter.
A new monster cereal joins the line up
Since resurrecting Yummy Mummy and Frute Brute to reunite the original five characters for their 50th anniversary in the “Monster Mash” exclusive cereal, General Mills has gone on to host yet another reunion for 2024 in “Frightful Friends.” This will be a spooky amalgamation of the ghostly group, with all flavors (Count Chocula’s chocolate, Franken Berry’s strawberry, Boo Berry’s blueberry, and brand-new Carmella Creeper’s caramel apple) and all marshmallows combining into one Franken-cereal.
Wait, marshmallows??
Yes, marshmallows! The bunch are also joined by brand-new marshmallow sidekicks or, as the press release calls them, pets: Igor the Spider crawls with Count Chocula while Bennie the Bat flies alongside Franken Berry; Meow Berry the Cat accompanies Boo Berry, and Scratch the Snake slithers with Carmella Creeper.
How much are the Monster Cereals and when can you get them?
Starting at $3.50 per box, the return of the Monster Cereals to all major retailers in late August marks the beginning of a scary fun time of the year. The supernatural squad rises from the dead once again this season, but not for long–just a few months–before they return to Count Chocula’s castle to wait out the rest of the year. A frightful union of pop culture in both characters and flavors, General Mills’ iconic Monster Cereals are sure to make this Halloween a hauntingly good one.
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