Hidden Valley Ranch and Van Leeuwen Are Making Ranch Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for… Hidden Valley Ranch Ice Cream? That’s right, in honor of National Ranch Day (March 10), Van Leeuwen and Hidden Valley Ranch revealed a funky and unexpected collaboration that’s set to stock select Walmarts on March 20th for a limited time only.

If you’ve tried ranchy abominations before (Ranch Dressing Soda, I’m looking at you), your instinct might be to run away. But hold on a second and just think about it: buttermilk ranch… buttermilk milk… cream… ice cream! Clearly Van Leeuwen and HVR have some stuff in common: creaminess and milkiness. So, I think it’s fair to say that ranch ice cream has some potential. 

But what exactly does it taste like? Just how ranchy is it? In a press release shared with Sporked, Van Leeuwen explained that the HVR ice cream “boasts the savory flavors of ranch, including buttermilk, flavorful herbs and a touch of sweetness.” Does that not sound unbelievably appealing? Considering high-end ice cream stores have been dishing out herby ice creams for some time now—basil and thyme to name a few—it doesn’t seem like a stretch to bring a sweet-and-savory, herby ice cream to grocery store shelves. And best of all? The flavor profile should pair perfectly with salty snacks. Van Leeuwen specifically suggested sprinkling “crushed pretzels or potato chips” on a scoop.

So, why exactly is this happening? National Ranch Day aside, Van Leeuwen—an upscale ice cream brand known for mixing up exciting savory, spicy, and sweet flavors—is releasing seven new limited-time ice cream flavors this spring. Their fall lineup was a huge success at Sporked, so the spring ice creams are sure to be just as delicious. This spring, you’ll get seven flavors: Sweet Maple Cornbread, Blood Orange Chocolate Chip, Carrot Cake, Strawberry Shortcake, Honey Graham Cracker, Limoncello Cake, and… of course, the Hidden Valley Ranch ice cream. And as for the ranch ice cream, at just under $5, you really have no excuse! So grab a bag of pretzels and give it a go!

About the Author

Navya Hari

Navya Hari is a writer, baker, and utter nuisance who would gladly take the salt out of every recipe and replace it with ten cloves of garlic. When she’s not whipping up some medieval pie, trying to create food from a video game, or covered in flour, you can probably find her asleep in bed dreaming about Indian mangoes.

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