Everything We Know About the New and Returning Mtn Dew Game Fuel Flavors

While we’re still riding the high of permanent availability of Baja Blast, Mtn Dew is already making plans to bring another fan favorite later this year. Mtn Dew Citrus Cherry Game Fuel is returning to stores this winter after 2023’s limited (and I do mean limited) release. And, just like last year, it’s bringing a new Game Fuel flavor along for the ride! Disclaimer: Some of the details stated below could change before this soda hits shelves—PepsiCo can be tricky that way.

A new Mtn Dew Game Fuel flavor?

Yes, a still-purple-but-different-flavor-ergo-new Mtn Dew Game Fuel flavor! Per a reputable source inside the Dew Drinker Discord (of which I’m a proud member), Mtn Dew Game Fuel Midnight Mission will debut this winter. Hopefully, the supply issues that made last year’s Game Fuel flavors difficult to find have been ironed out. That being said, it’s hard to truly determine whether the soda was hard to find because it was understocked or because Game Fuel superfans bought the soda in bulk anywhere they could find it. Do we need to put per-customer limits on soda like sneakers or Lego sets? I don’t even want to think about what Citrus Cherry Game Fuel goes for on the MTN Dew (Pitch) Black Market.

What will Mtn Dew Game Fuel Midnight Mission taste like?

The internal image posted to the superfan Discord was just clear enough to reveal that this Dew has a “Blast of Blackberry Flavor.” While two existing MTN Dew flavors do feature blackberry (Buffalo Wild Wings-exclusive Legend and Applebee’s-exclusive Dark Berry Bash), both flavors feature blackberry in addition to another flavor. Even taking discontinued flavors into account, there has never in history been an exclusively blackberry-flavored blackberry Mtn Dew. There’s still some uncharted territory in them there dewy mountains yet…

But what video game will Mtn Dew Game Fuel Midnight Mission taste like?

We don’t know what video game character will grace the label of the new Game Fuel just yet, but we can certainly theorize. Looking back to last year’s release, the classic Citrus Cherry stayed loyal to franchise-bestie Halo while the newcomer Mystic Punch was paired up with Diablo IV. There are a few Microsoft-exclusive franchises that could fit with the Midnight Mission name: Sea of Thieves, Gears of War, or even Starfield, which was recently featured on a few flavors of Rockstar Energy. And I know one Microsoft-exclusive game that I would love to see get some Dew-based promotion: Microsoft Flight Simulator. The new version is going to feature search-and-rescue missions that you can almost surely play at midnight! It couldn’t be more perfect.

About the Author

Griffin Parker

Griffin Parker is a writer, award-winning charity auctioneer, and "influencer in the beverage space" according to a few PR agencies. Please do not ask him about the cotton candy business he started right out of high school. When he's not contributing to Sporked or running the @SodaSeekers news pages, you can find Griffin espousing the virtues of Dayton-style pizza, Cincinnati-style chili, and Dolly Parton's Fabulously Fudgy Brownie Mix.

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