A Slew of New Monster Flavors Are Hitting Stores This Month

Well friends, there are five new Monster flavors hitting stores in the coming weeks and, sadly, none of them are named Mike Wazowski. But that is the only sad part, because it’s actually five new, intriguing, and unique flavors of Monster Energy drink and I can’t wait to try them all. Definitely not at the same time though, because then the real monster will be caffeine-drunk me rocking back and forth on the couch, pupils dilated, reciting all of Kung Fu Panda (the 2008 cinematic masterpiece) and all the digits of pi. So, for those of you who, like Miss RiRi herself, are friends with the monster that’s under your bed—and that monster happens to be a flat of Monster Energy drinks, then you are in luck because you are about to learn exactly what all the new Monster flavor options will be in this, 2024, the year of our Monster energy drinks.

Are they all one line of new Monster flavors? Are there any revamps of old flavors? If none are named Mike Wazowski, is there at least one named Sully?

Unfortunately, this just in, none named Sully either—sorry to the Monsters Inc. fans out there. But for the energy drink fans out there, we can report that there are some legitimately new Monster flavors coming soon, as well as a couple of new Monster Energy flavors that seem like a revamps of old flavors. The five flavors Monster is releasing are: Monster Energy Ultra Fantasy Ruby Red, which will be ruby red grapefruit flavored and zero sugar; Juice Monster Rio Punch, which will have tropical fruit flavors and a subtle hint of spice; Java Monster Irish Crème which is supposedly different from Irish Blend, according to Monster, but we can’t yet say how it is different; Rehab Monster Green Tea, which could be a potential revamp of the discontinued Monster Green Tea Rehab; and Monster Reserve Peaches N’ Crème which is exactly what is sounds like, peaches and crème flavored Monster (with taurine, according to the can image). These are all set to roll out nationwide over the next few weeks.

So get your energy drank drinkin’ hands ready because, much like Kylie Jenner, “I feel like this year is really about like, the year of just realizing stuff” and we may just realize that one of these new Monster flavors is our new favorite…maybe. Pipeline Punch—Sporked‘s current favorite Monster flavor—is going to be hard to dethrone, but who knows? Will Rio taste like a tiki bar mocktail? Will that push it over the top? I will have to wait and find out as soon as it hits stores near me.

About the Author

Jessica Block

Jessica Block is a freelance contributor to Sporked, a comedian, a baker, a food writer, and a firm believer that Trader Joe's may just be the happiest place on earth. She loves spicy snacks, Oreos, baking bread, teeny tiny avocados, and trying new foods whenever she can. Also, if you give her a bag of Takis she will be your best friend.

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  • They NEED to make a melon flavoured one already!!

  • The current Peach Nitro is amazing! I can’t wait to try the peaches and cream!!!!

  • I really really really miss ultra black.

  • Do you think they will ever have a cherry 🍒 flavor love green monsters but would drink a cherry one over any drink

    • Ultra Black is a Black cherry flavor

      • Blackcurrant

  • Liked the humor, she followed through well.

  • I am so excited to try the new flavors if they include sugar free options.

    I don’t really like how the article was written though. It gave off a strong ‘trying to hard’ vibe. Didn’t sound sincere or authentic at all. Like one was trying to do a comedic bit and choked.

  • Does anyone keep track of what sells best. We love the orange and have a hard time finding it in stock in the stores. Obvious indicator that it’s a top selling item. Sam’s warehouse has flats of other flavors that never get sold. We don’t want a variety pack of watermelon, orange & strawberry (8 of each flavor) when we only like the orange!!!!

    • If you are referring to the ultra sunrise (orange can) then yes monster still produces it. I work for Coca Cola who distributes monster and it was out of stock for whatever reason for a while. There is always a random flavor that goes MIA for a bit. Currently it’s the white pineapple reserve. But rest assured ultra sunrise is still around.

  • Love your writing skills 👌 had me giggle

  • Bring back the old monster hydros loved them

  • The Ruby Red really intrigued me but hard pass on the sugar free I’m sadly one if those people who super notice the aspartame/sucralose after taste so the Irish Cream probably gets a pass as well because their Java line tends to double up with artificial and real sugar.

    I just miss me the good old Monster M80 from their early days. Still to this day haven’t found an energy drink that surpasses it in taste.

  • Free samples please makeup candles candy clothes toys 🧸 anything

    • 1150 w turner st apt 2 Allentown pa 18102

      • Just a suggestion but you probably shouldn’t just drop your address like that on the Internet..

  • enough with one flavour and that’s white.

  • How about we just put the breaks on new drinks until we can get a grip on the economy. Im happy you have new Monsters, but instead of paying millions in advertising, and passing that cost on to the consumer, let’s not do things to sdd to the rising cost of a product that most working class people are struggling to pay the current prices. Of course this change anything, just wanted to give my opinion that no one asked for, lol.

    • I apologize for my terrible grammar and misspelled words. I really need proofread things before I post.*brakes* *Of course this won’t change anything* The point was that I love Monster drinks, unfortunately they’re becoming less and less affordable.

  • I think you should keep putting out ABSOLUTE Zero not all of your zero sugars are good,I spend soooooo much money on monster I buy by the case,just saying not everything needs a million flavors

    • I concur 100%. Creating new drinks equates to increased cost that enviably the consumer gets stuck with the higher prices to pay for the millions that are spent promoting said product.

  • I like your article. I have tried the Java Monster Irish Cream it is not as good as the Irish Blend I am sad to say. It is too bad that it replaces the Irish Blend. I love the fact that I can leave comments for you. Rarely do I find an article author that allows this. So many times I’ve wanted to comment on an article but I have been unable to. Thank you so very much for this option.
