I get it. It takes a certain type of person to get excited when they read the phrase “blue cheese potato chips.” And let me tell you, I am not that type of person. When I was handed a bag of these new Trader Joe’s Cashel Blue Cheese Irish Potato Chips at the Sporked office, I had some palpable hesitation. But I’m nothing if not a person who’s willing to try anything once. Except skydiving, but that’s for another time. I am also someone who’s in the early stages of blue cheese exploration. I won’t ask for it to be taken off when it’s on the menu and it’s going okay. I still wince at the funk once in a while, but for now, I can handle it. So I was excited to see how these blue cheese potato chips would work for a beginner.
- Trader Joe’s Cashel Blue Cheese Irish Potato Chips
Take the fact that I’m typing this as I pluck my fourth round of chips out of the bag is a good sign. I’m settling into the funk—and these have some stank. At first, the chips taste a bit like Ruffles Cheddar & Sour Cream but then the blue cheese flavor creeps up on the finish. It’s familiar dank flavor—your brain is telling you to avoid the mold but your taste buds are telling you to keep going. And truthfully, it is easy to march on. The pleasing crunch of the chip melds perfectly with the stanky, delightful flavor of blue cheese.
Pros: These are a blue cheese lover’s paradise, as well as a blue cheese novice’s potential new gateway drug. Trader Joe’s Cashel Blue Cheese potato chips are addictive, even if you need a sec to adjust to the tangy, powerfully salty blue cheese flavor. Grab a few bags of these—you never know when really good products are going to disappear from TJ’s shelves.
Cons: The blue cheese flavor is so intense there’s really no way you’ll like these if you truly don’t like blue cheese—there’s no way around tasting it when you’re eating these. If you’re a blue cheese detractor, that’s okay—there are plenty of other Sporked’s favorite chips to be found at Trader Joe’s.