One of humankind’s greatest wishes is for a healthy candy bar. Well, the folks at Mars once tried to make that dream come true when they rolled out the legendary Kudos bar in 1986. Marketed as a nutritious granola snack with a robust candy flavor and a thick chocolate coating, the product was wildly successful throughout the ‘90s.
But what the heck happened to Kudos bars? Sadly, like the dinosaurs, Kudos bars are a thing of the past. But, unlike dinosaurs, there are no plans to resurrect them. So, what happened? Let’s explore the snack’s rich (and if you had a chance to taste them, you know I do mean rich) history, shall we?
Are Kudos bars still made?
Unfortunately, if you haven’t been able to pick up on the context clue that we’ve been referring to them in the past tense, Kudos bars have indeed been discontinued by their manufacturer. They stopped production in 2017. No official reason was given as to why, but many have speculated that the constant push and pull over whether or not they constituted a “healthy” snack was a driving factor.
What are Kudos granola bars?
Originally available in three flavors (Nutty Fudge, Chocolate Chip, and Peanut Butter), Kudos’ bars were basically chocolate covered granola bars. They fit right in with the other sweet snacks masquerading as health foods such as SnackWells. After a brief hiatus in the early aughts, Kudos was reintroduced in 2011 with an updated appearance: The classic milk chocolate coating on the bars was removed and replaced with a chocolate base and chocolate drizzle on top. Kudos’ updated design made it appear more like a granola bar than a candy bar, in an effort to boost the appearance of a healthy snack.
Did Kudos bars have M&Ms?
Oh, absolutely! Along with the flagship trio of Nutty Fudge, Chocolate Chip, and Peanut Butter, Kudos also collaborated with brands like M&Ms, Snickers, Dove Milk Chocolate to create “granola bars” that were definitely not “candy bars.”
Why were Kudos bars discontinued?
In a fateful 2017 Facebook response to an unhappy customer who was complaining that they couldn’t find Kudos anywhere, the Mars company stated that Kudos were officially discontinued. The company never offered a formal statement explaining why they took Kudos off the market. Some speculate that it was simply the end of an era and people weren’t falling for the old healthy candy bar trick anymore. One Reddit user firmly put the blame on “your mom.”
Where can I buy Kudos Bars?
Well, since they’re no longer officially manufactured, your best bet would be to find a box on eBay. And, maybe just keep it as a memento, those things have got to be expired by now!
Was it Kudos granola bar or Kudos candy bar?
It depends on who you’re asking! According to the official description Kudos was a “milk chocolate granola cereal bar.” But, if you asked my parents in the mid-90s if you could get them from the store, they would inevitably reply, “No, you’re not eating a candy bar for a snack.”
So, though it’s unfortunate that these heralded snacks are no longer available to us consumers, you can rest easy in the knowledge that they weren’t quite so healthy anyways. And, if you really want to get a sense of what a Kudos bar was like, simply dip a Nature Valley bar into a vat of melted chocolate and say to yourself, “My, my, my, what nutritious decisions I’m making!” All jokes aside, just enjoy a candy bar with pride! No need to put on airs! We’re with you!
I don’t care if it’s healthy or a candy bar. The world is ending and I need to eat an entire box of these at least one more time before I die. Bring 👏 them 👏 back! 👏