Look to the Cookie: Black & White Cookie Oreos Are Coming Soon

I am just a food writer, standing in front of you, telling you that I was once again wrong about the next Oreo flavor release. Oreo was on a roll, re-releasing their entire flavor lineup from 2015 this summer starting with Cotton Candy and S’mores Oreos, followed closely by Red Velvet in the fall, which I correctly predicted for the first (and, let’s face it, only) time. My thought was that the next flavor was going to be Toasted Coconut since that was the next release in 2015, but my luck ended there. In October, Oreo went ahead and brought back their Hot Cocoa flavor instead. And now, they’ve announced their first release in a good long while: New York-inspired Black & White Cookie Oreos. Somebody call Jerry Seinfeld!

All equally practical questions, to be sure. The Black & White Cookie Oreo will have golden Oreo cookies with half chocolate, and half vanilla-flavored creme filling in the center. The company described the new addition to its lineup as a “tasty new spin on the classic treat.” To be honest, I love a good black and white cookie. They are cakey, sweet, and kind of remind me of if Madeleines and Lofthouse cookies had a baby. For me, the most signature aspect of a black and white cookie is its spongy texture, so I’m curious to see if the taste without the classic squish will be at all distinctive enough to immediately read as a black and white cookie. As for the gummy bear chess thing, if I knew how to play chess, I would totally try that out. Unfortunately, I always thought the point of chess was just to take as many of your opponent’s pieces as possible and no one ever corrected me, so I’m still not sure what the point is. If I had to guess, I’d say getting your vertical black-and-white chickens to cross the black-and-white grid road. That or stacking all the Rooks together to make a McMansion. Chess seems fun.

In other news from Oreo, they are also releasing Peanut Butter Creme Cakesters (a whoopie pie-esque Oreo creation), as well as a Golden version of their gluten-free cookies as additions to their permanent lineup (the Black & White Cookie flavor is only going to be around for a limited time). All three of these hit shelves in January. This is exciting and all, but now it is time for everyone’s favorite part of the Oreo article: I have to guess the next new Oreo flavor release. I’ll keep this one simple; I think it is going to be Ube. I know I already guessed this before, but it is supposed to be the flavor of the year in 2024 and I feel like someday Oreo just has to pull the trigger on this one. Plus, if I keep guessing it, I have to be right eventually.

About the Author

Jessica Block

Jessica Block is a freelance contributor to Sporked, a comedian, a baker, a food writer, and a firm believer that Trader Joe's may just be the happiest place on earth. She loves spicy snacks, Oreos, baking bread, teeny tiny avocados, and trying new foods whenever she can. Also, if you give her a bag of Takis she will be your best friend.

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