There is absolutely nothing wrong with saving money during the holiday season. Most people (including myself) are watching their spending in general. I’m here to remind you that you should implement your year-round money-saving practices into your holidays! For example: You might know that Dollar Tree is cheap and sells some food, but did you know you can make a full Dollar Tree Thanksgiving meal that people won’t even know is from Dollar Tree?
If you want to have the easiest and most affordable Thanksgiving, opt for a Dollar Tree Thanksgiving this year. I’ve compiled a Dollar Tree haul that is full of Thanksgiving shortcuts. Whether you’re buying a few products from this list to cut corners with your holiday meal or you’re having a completely Dollar Tree Thanksgiving dinner, your stomach and your wallet will thank you!
Note: Prices may vary based on the location of Dollar Tree.
The Main: Banquet Turkey Pot Pie ($1.25)
Listen, I know this isn’t a turkey. But I would argue that most people don’t even like turkey. Plus, pot pies are absolutely delicious! Pour a little gravy over this bad boy and you’ll be happy that you didn’t waste your time, money, or stomach space on a roast turkey.
The Gravy: Campbell’s Turkey Gravy ($1.25)
Remember two seconds ago when I mentioned gravy? You can use this canned premade gravy! Add it to your Dollar Tree haul for a guaranteed moist Thanksgiving.
The Side: Karlin Foods Stuffing Mix ($1.25)
It’s not Thanksgiving without stuffing. It’s a must! This boxed stuffing from Dollar Tree is super cheap and only requires water and butter. It comes together in no time.
The Side: Del Monte Harvest French Style Green Beans ($1.25)
You need to have one non-starchy vegetable for your Dollar Tree Thanksgiving table to provide respite from all the rich deliciousness. These French-style canned green beans are perfect for that. Pop them open, microwave them, add a little salt, and you’re good to go!
The Side: Idahoan Original Mashed Potatoes ($1.25)
We love instant mashed potatoes at Sporked. Dollar Tree sells this version from Idahoan and it’s the perfect quick Thanksgiving side. You can add anything you have on hand like green onions, cheese, or bacon bits. They’re also delicious plain! They’re so versatile and perfect to have on hand for the holiday season.
The Side: Bruce’s Yams Cut Sweet Potatoes in Syrup ($1.25)
When it comes to Thanksgiving hacks, canned yams are the ultimate. They’re so unbelievably delicious. There is literally no point in making yams yourself. The canned yam people have already perfected it! Add this version from Bruce’s to your Dollar Tree haul for the ultimate Dollar Tree Thanksgiving.
The Dessert: Chocolate Mini MoonPies ($1.25)
Dollar Tree doesn’t have full pies or anything like that, but they do sell MoonPies. In my opinion, MoonPies are superior to regular pie! These handheld, personal pies (which are actually more like snack cakes than pie) are such a cute way to end your Dollar Tree Thanksgiving meal. Plus, people can easily take them home if they’re too stuffed from dinner.
Total cost of a Dollar Tree Thanksgiving: $8.75
Check out more guides to grocery store Thanksgivings:
What to Buy for a Trader Joe’s Thanksgiving Dinner
Aldi Thanksgiving Dinner: Everything You Need
How to Have an All Costco Thanksgiving
Your Whole Foods Thanksgiving Dinner Menu