Disclaimer: We, at Sporked, don’t know about Deadpool. And we don’t know about Wolverine. We’ve seen some of the movies, but we don’t remember them all that well. What we do know about is pizza. So, keep that in mind as you read this review of the new Deadpool & Wolverine DiGiorno frozen pizzas.
In anticipation of Marvel’s new Deadpool & Wolverine (in theaters July 26), DiGiorno has created four limited-time-only frozen pizzas, inspired by the characters, who, again, we really know nothing about. We’re fans of DiGiorno here at Sporked, though, so we were psyched to try the pies, which ranged from fairly standard (Maximum Pep, aka extra pepperoni) to outlandish (The Wade Special is topped with pineapple and black olives!). So we cooked up these frozen, classic crust pizzas and gave them a taste. Read on to find out if you should devour them with your adamantium claws or say something sarcastic and dismiss them. (Look! We do know some things about these comic book guys.)
DiGiorno Spicy Wolvie Pie
There are three Deadpool-themed pizzas and only one Wolverine pizza. Poor Wolvie. Topped with pepperoni, chorizo, and bacon, it’s advertised as being “hotter than Logan’s yellow spandex.”
Pros: This is more of a meat-lover’s pizza than any meat-lover’s pizza I’ve ever had. There is SO much meat on here. Honestly, it’s a blanket of meat on this pizza. For folks who order “extra” of all the meats when they order pizza, this really is ideal. And the bacon in particular is good. It’s not too fatty and tastes like real, crispy, tasty bacon.
Cons: I like meat on pizza but I also like to taste the sauce and the cheese. And the meat on this DiGiorno overwhelmed those components. And, while there was some heat, it could have used a lot more spice. I also wish there was a little more chorizo in the mix, just for a balance of flavor.
Credit: Liv Averett / DiGiorno
DiGiorno The Wade Special
Pineapple is a controversial pizza topping. Black olives, too, have their detractors. Both of them together? What an irreverent, middle finger of a combo! Apparently, this is the pizza Deadpool orders in the first Deadpool movie. He calls it “sweet and salty.” And it is!
Pros: Friends? We love this new DiGiorno pizza. The pineapple is sweet. The olives are salty. The flavors are distinct—the pineapple doesn’t bleed into everything like it sometimes can. It’s a delicious, unexpected combination. Seriously, you gotta try it.
Cons: If you do not like pineapple or black olives you will not like this pizza. Otherwise, no notes.
Credit: Liv Averett / DiGiorno
- DiGiorno Gimme Chimi
Deadpool likes chimichangas. If you search “Deadpool chimichanga,” you will see how much he likes chimichangas. There is a Funko Pop of Deadpool with a chimichanga. And there’s a Reddit thread about how his love for chimichangas is overblown. Anyway, that’s why this new DiGiorno pizza exists.
Pros: There is a pervasive cumin flavor and I like it. It definitely makes it taste like taco pizza. And there’s a good distribution of toppings. There are plenty of diced tomatoes, jalapeño peppers, and little taco beef balls.
Cons: The skins on the vegetables really irked some tasters, while the tiny beef balls bothered me. I wish they would have just used seasoned ground beef instead. And there definitely could have been something more chimichanga-esque about this pizza. Something fried, perhaps?
Credit: Liv Averett / DiGiorno
- DiGiorno Maximum Pep
What makes this pepperoni pizza a maximum pepperoni pizza? This one features both regular pepperoni slices and diced pepperoni. So, you’re ensured some sort of pepperoni in every bite.
Pros: The pepperoni is good—in both forms. The slices are meaty and pure. Sometimes pepperoni can taste like old oil or a little gamey, but not this. It’s just meat and spice, delicious. And the little cubes are great. They add crispy texture and infuse the whole experience with pepperoni flavor.
Cons: This is a totally good pizza, but it’s just not very interesting. It should be part of DiGiorno’s regular line-up rather than a limited edition offering.
Credit: Liv Averett / DiGiorno
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