A New Green Red Bull Flavor Is Replacing Dragon Fruit

Well, this is a new one. I’ve seen energy drinks update their name or change their ingredients, but this might be the first time I’ve ever seen an energy drink change just its flavor…without even announcing it. Red Bull has taken one of their newer “editions” (that’s Red Bull-ese for flavors) and changed the taste without changing the name—like we wouldn’t notice! Rest easy, citizens; I’m on the case. 

What’s the new Red Bull flavor?

Nine months ago, I reported on this year’s Red Bull Summer Edition. In that piece, I talked about the confusing, floral flavor concept that is Curaba Elderflower. I may not have understood it then, but enough of us gave it a chance that it’s now getting the highest honor a temporary Red Bull flavor can receive: Red Bull has made Curaba Elderflower the new permanent Red Bull Green Edition—replacing Dragon Fruit! Sporked’s own Justine Sterling rated Curaba Elderflower an 8.5/10, so this change has got our seal of approval.

Has Red Bull ever changed an edition’s flavor before?

I assumed the answer would be no since this seems like a pretty messy situation, but my research has uncovered something shocking: Not only has Red Bull done this before, but they did it to the Green Edition! Per the Red Bull wiki, the first Red Bull Green Edition flavor was Kiwi Apple. That flavor also started as a Summer Edition, back in 2016, before becoming the first permanent Red Bull Green Edition. In 2021, Red Bull launched the Dragon Fruit Summer Edition, swapping it into Kiwi Apple’s place after it performed well enough to earn that slot. And now, for the third time, Red Bull is making a former Summer Edition into the permanent Green Edition. Curaba Elderflower should watch its back; there’s no job security around here for a green Red Bull.

How are Dragon Fruit Red Bull fans reacting to this news?

Oh, they’re mad. While I did get some supportive comments on my Instagram post covering this change, the sentiment at large was definitely pro-Dragon Fruit. And I don’t disagree. Dragon Fruit Red Bull is in my personal top three Red Bull flavors to date (it also makes an appearance in Sporked’s ranking of the best Red Bull flavors). I will certainly miss picking it up when my beloved Coconut Berry is out of stock. 

I’d say this pain won’t last forever, but I got an Instagram comment asking to bring back the Kiwi Apple flavor that Dragon Fruit replaced three years ago. If current trends continue, I’ll be covering Curaba Elderflower being replaced by a new Summer Edition in just a year or two. Place your bets on the next green Red Bull flavor now; I’m hoping for honeydew.

About the Author

Griffin Parker

Griffin Parker is a writer, award-winning charity auctioneer, and "influencer in the beverage space" according to a few PR agencies. Please do not ask him about the cotton candy business he started right out of high school. When he's not contributing to Sporked or running the @SodaSeekers news pages, you can find Griffin espousing the virtues of Dayton-style pizza, Cincinnati-style chili, and Dolly Parton's Fabulously Fudgy Brownie Mix.

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  • The Red Edition was also replaced…Cranberry was changed to Watermelon…I work for RedBull 🤷🏿‍♂️
