Our Bite-Size Review of Skittles Littles

Howdy, everyone. Hope you’ve had a nice summer, because now that we’re two months out from October, it’s basically Halloween in the eyes of candy companies. And that’s why I’m here, about to review a spooky tube of Halloween Skittles Littles, when it’s currently 92 degrees outside (and climbing). I mean, thank god these even made it to us in time! September is only three weeks away!

Last year, when we reported on the planned nationwide release of Skittles Littles, we predicted a couple of things. First, we figured that these would taste crunchier than regular Skittles. Second, we thought that they would taste more like the rainbow than ever before. That’s a pretty high expectation to set, but I’m ready. While these mini Skittles have been out for a few months now, we finally had the chance to try them for ourselves—and they came to us in a cute, spookified new Skittles package, too. You know, for that holiday that’s right around the corner? 

Now, my colleague Jordan Myrick loves mini M&M’s, claiming “they have a better texture than regular M&Ms.” In fact, mini M&M’s seem to be widely popular for just that reason: the superior chocolate-to-candy shell ratio. So here’s my question: Are Skittles Littles simply an attempt for Big Skittle to capitalize on the success of mini M&M’s? I think so. Do I care? Not really. In fact, I wish them the best. I want these to taste amazing. So let’s see if they actually do. 

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Skittles Littles

New Skittles!

Skittles Littles

TLDR: Skittles Littles are all the same flavors of regular Skittles (strawberry, orange, grape, lemon, and lime), only smol. 

Pros: Sometimes downsizing can go really wrong in this economy, but these taste pretty much exactly like regular Skittles, only softer. We predicted they would be crunchier, but hey, we’re not a team of Skittle soothsayers. The outer shell is paper-thin, which gives way to a chewy, cushioned middle that packs a pretty powerful punch of flavor. If you wish Skittles were a little bit softer, these will really do it for you. (I also like that the ghosts on the spooky Halloween Skittles Littles packaging have tiny Skittles for eyes. Nice touch, Big Skittle.)

Cons: I definitely follow the motto of “don’t fix what isn’t broken,” so the fact that mini Skittles taste nearly the same as regular Skittles doesn’t bother me. But I was expecting Skittles Littles to be really, well, little. Like tiny. These are not that much smaller than regular Skittles. Since these are a tad softer than regular Skittles, they also stick to my teeth more. But you who cares? The rainbow may be mini, but it’s as vivid as ever, and that’s what really counts. 

Credit: Liv Averett / Instacart




About the Author

Ariana Losch

Ariana Losch is a Sporked contributor, webcomic writer, java junkie, and bad TV enthusiast. She only ever feels at peace laying out on a beach like a kebab, roasting in the sun; sadly, she can never move back to Florida, her home state, because there simply isn’t enough good Mediterranean food. You can find her overstaying her welcome at just about every LA coffee shop, working on a screenplay and avoiding all eye contact. (She is embarrassed to be there, please leave her alone.)

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