Sour Patch Kids Oreos! Our Sour Then Sweet Review

When I first covered the announcement that Sour Patch Kids Oreos were on their way to grocery store shelves, I knew that my journalistic duty would eventually require me to taste them for you good people. I can evade my fate no longer. It’s time to dive headfirst into absurdity and finally, finally, figure out what the heck an “inclusion” is.

Sour Patch Kids Oreos

New Sour Patch Oreos!

Sour Patch Kids Oreos

In an effort to put off actually tasting these, I really took my time investigating the neon yellow and green packaging. In doing so, I discovered that the package of Sour Patch Kids Oreos is slightly smaller than a standard package of Oreos. There are just 20 cookies per package rather than the usual 33. Alongside that slightly-smaller format, these cookies are also being sold in “impulse-sized” four-packs in gas stations and convenience stores. The almighty OREO corporation may have realized their standard bulk sizing would be a hard sell to people who haven’t entirely drowned their brain in Sour Powerade yet.

Pros: I actually liked these a lot more than I thought I would. The sour flavor is certainly present, but it stops just before it becomes overpowering. They don’t advertise it as such, but I believe these cookies got a Double Stuf’ing of creme, which really helps balance out the Sour Patch Kids flavoring. As previously reported, these new Oreos are marketed as having Sour Patch Kids-flavored creme with “colorful inclusions.” I still don’t know what the “colorful inclusions” are supposed to bring to the table aside from aesthetics, but it is certainly a fun-looking cookie. I also have to commend Oreo for not using the standard chocolate cookie on this one. They went with a Golden Oreo cookie, which better highlights the creme.

Cons: One of my lab rats family members, a known sandwich cookie separator, noted that the cookie had an unpleasant flavor when eaten without creme. After trying it myself, I can confirm that the cookie tastes a little…funky? I was also slightly disappointed that these cookies didn’t have the incomprehensibly-accurate mouthfeel that the Swedish Fish Oreos had. While I definitely didn’t like how those cookies tasted, they somehow got the texture of gummies into the creme; I can’t say the same for these.

Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart




About the Author

Griffin Parker

Griffin Parker is a writer, award-winning charity auctioneer, and "influencer in the beverage space" according to a few PR agencies. Please do not ask him about the cotton candy business he started right out of high school. When he's not contributing to Sporked or running the @SodaSeekers news pages, you can find Griffin espousing the virtues of Dayton-style pizza, Cincinnati-style chili, and Dolly Parton's Fabulously Fudgy Brownie Mix.