Trader Joe’s Now Has an Instant Boba Kit in the Frozen Aisle

Hey boba lovers (and if you’re not a boba lover, you’re simply incorrect), are you tired of paying eight dollars for starchy balls in milk? Are you sad that your favorite drink in the whole wide world used to cost $3.50 and now costs more than twice that much, even without boba added to it? Are these questions making you feel like this is the beginning of an infomercial or an ad for antidepressants? Well, let me tell you, it’s neither of those things! It’s just me telling you that the world is your oyster, and TJ’s is serving up the chewy, spherical, brown sugar-covered pearl. 

That’s right: There are now Trader Joe’s Instant Boba kits in the TJ’s freezer section, and they cost under six dollars for four whole servings. ASDASFASKGFGBSEKERTIOEWTR…. Sorry, y’all, I passed out from excitement. But I’m back now, and can I just say, WHAAAAAT!?!?!? You already KNOW this is on my shopping list.

So what is included in these Trader Joe’s Instant Boba kits, and how do they work?

Simple. What’s included in each kit are: four frozen packets of boba (tapioca pearls) soakin’ in sweet, sweet brown sugar syrup. All you have to do is cut the corner of a packet, put it upright in a bowl and stick it in the microwave for under a minute, then empty the packet into a cup, add some ice and milk (and tea or coffee if you’re feelin’ crazy), and boom! You’ve got boba. Seems almost too easy, right? Nothing that is good should ever be that easy. But it is that easy—and it’s apparently really good. It doesn’t seem like there’s any sort of catch.

According to this Buzzfeed writer who tried out and reviewed the Trader Joe’s Instant Boba Kit, she is “obsessed” and “absolutely loved this stuff” and says “it’s going to be a staple in [her] freezer.” I feel you, Buzzfeed writer, I too am obsessed with this Trader Joe’s Instant Boba kit and I haven’t even seen it with my own eyes, let alone tried it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Trader Joe’s just gets me. That’s why we work so well together as a couple.

About the Author

Jessica Block

Jessica Block is a freelance contributor to Sporked, a comedian, a baker, a food writer, and a firm believer that Trader Joe's may just be the happiest place on earth. She loves spicy snacks, Oreos, baking bread, teeny tiny avocados, and trying new foods whenever she can. Also, if you give her a bag of Takis she will be your best friend.

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