A very wise person once said, “Takis are the snacks of kings.” That wise person was me. Yes, Takis are so good they’ll make people do crazy things like quote themselves. Corn tortilla chips are a great snack. But when you roll those corn tortilla chips into tubes and cover them with spicy dust they become something special. They become Takis.
Discerning Taki connoisseurs are always on the lookout for new and exciting Takis flavor varieties. And no flavor variety gets the Takis kids talking quite like Zombie Takis. Remember those? What happened to Zombie Takis? Are Zombie Takis back? When the heck are Zombie Takis coming back? Let’s get some Zombie Takis info into our delicious brains.
What happened to Zombie Takis?
Zombie Takis roared onto the scene back in 2017, and Takis fans rejoiced. Then they disappeared and Takis fans were sad. Then they reappeared and we were all happy again. Then they went away again and we were all sad. What’s the deal with Zombie Takis? Why were they discontinued? Are Zombie Takis back?
The truth is, they were never actually discontinued. Takis are a lot like another culinary icon dear to my heart, Taco Bell. They love to experiment with new products and flavors. Takis constantly throws new flavor profiles out there to see what sticks. Zombie Takis are a limited time flavor offering. They first appeared as a Halloween flavor. You get it, Zombies are spooky. So while Zombie Takis may disappear shortly after Halloween, they’ll probably rise again from the dead the next year when our favorite spooky holiday returns.
When are Zombie Takis coming back?
Zombie Takis are a seasonal limited flavor offering. They begin to appear around August, ramp up for Halloween, then disappear after October. While Zombie Takis are only available in stores around the Halloween season, you may be able to find them year round at some online retailers. If you can’t find any Zombie Takis right now, just wait a while and they’ll come back eventually.
What do Zombie Takis taste like?
So, we know that Zombie Takis are not actually discontinued and they are a season limited time flavor variety, but what do they taste like? Seriously, what flavor are Zombie Takis? You may look at the name Zombie Takis and assume that they taste like brains. Afterall, zombies eat brains, so a snack aimed at them should taste like brains. The thing is, though, Zombie Takis aren’t actually a snack meant to be eaten by zombies. They are just named after zombies.
Zombie Takis get their unique flavor from cucumbers and habaneros. The Takis website rates Zombie Takis as “extreme” on its heatmeter. That spice comes from the wonderfully citrusy habanero flavor. While the refreshing cucumber cools you down nicely. Ever have some cool sliced cucumber with a sprinkling of Tajin on a hot summer day? Try it sometime. I have tried various dishes containing cucumbers, habaneros, and brains and I can safely say that cucumbers and habaneros are much tastier.