Have you ever dreamt of trying all the types of Lunchables? I lived your strange dream. And now I’m here to totally piss you off by telling you that your favorite Lunchables flavors aren’t that good after all. And you’re absolutely going to hate what I and the Sporked team of taste testers decided was the best Lunchables flavor. But I stand by it.
Here’s the deal with Lunchables. They started out as kid charcuterie plates—crackers, sliced meats and cheeses, and maybe a dessert, all packaged together. But then they took a turn. Lunchables pizzas appeared on shelves alongside Lunchables nachos and Lunchables chicken nuggets, meant to be eaten cold. (Wanna guess where those chilly chicken chunks wound up on this ranking?) Say what you want about Lunchables, but they’re always innovating. In the 2010s, teenager-targeted Lunchables Uploaded appeared with their larger portions. And in 2023, the brand released Grilled Cheesies—microwaveable grilled cheese sandwiches.
We tried all the old Lunchables, all the new Lunchables, and everything in between in search of the best Lunchables. Did we try all Lunchables? We did not. I couldn’t find the Lunchables hot dogs, for example. But we did try 17 Lunchables flavors. We considered quality, fun, and value—but mostly it came down to flavor. Even though Lunchables are designed for kids, they should still taste good. Kids have taste buds, too, even if they do actively try to obliterate them with things like Warheads and Takis Fuego. Here are 17 types of Lunchables ranked by grown-ups.
- Lunchables Chicken Dunks
Chicken nuggets (or dunks, as Lunchables calls them) should not be eaten cold. But that’s not this Lunchable flavor’s only sin. The chicken is springy and spongey and bland. And it’s wet. That’s the worst part. The outside is wet. Now, I do love that the ketchup comes in its own little section of the tray, rather than in a pouch. And the Oreo-esque sandwich cookie that comes with the dunks is good. But none of that can make up for the chicken.
Credit: Merc / Walmart
- Lunchables Uploaded Deep Dish Pizza with Pepperoni
I don’t have a problem with cold pizza. I don’t even have a problem with cold, never cooked pizza—my mother regularly sent me to school with mini Bobolis topped with pizza sauce and shredded cheese. But Lunchables pizza? The way you all have talked about them with such reverence, I thought these would be good. They are not. And the deep dish version is the worst of the bunch. Why? Because the crust is the worst part of a Lunchables pizza. The sauce is sweet, sure, but in an agreeable way. The cheese is flavorless but inoffensive. The pepperoni is fine. But the crust is dry and crumbly and there’s just so much of it. That said, since this is a Lunchables Uploaded for teens, it does come with Cheez-Its, which are good, and some water and Kool-Aid mix, as well as a little bag of Trolli gummies. So, at least you have those.
Credit: Merc / Walmart
- Lunchables Extra Cheesy Pizza
Get ready for a few Lunchables pizzas in rapid succession. While I liked the addition of cheddar to the mozzarella does help the pizza by adding some flavor, the crust is still powdery, floury, crumbly, and strange.
Credit: Merc / Walmart
- Lunchables Pizza with Pepperoni
Thank you, pepperoni, for giving this pizza some texture and savory flavor. But there’s barely enough cheese in this kit to cover two of the crusts, let alone the three you’re given. Even if the cheese doesn’t taste like much, I still want enough to cover the crusts.
Credit: Merc / Target
- Lunchables Pizza Treatza
What makes this Lunchables pizza the best Lunchables pizza? It’s not the pizza. It’s the Treatza. The chocolate spread (which definitely needs time to warm up; it is not spreadable straight out of the fridge) pairs well with the weird, kinda sweet, crumbly crust. And the crunchy, candy-coated chocolate balls are good toppings. You get three crusts in this Lunchables pizza kit. Use two of them to make dessert.
Credit: Merc / Ralphs
- Lunchables Crispy Grilled Cheesies Original
From here on in, we’re talking about pretty good Lunchables flavors—we’re not at the best Lunchables varieties yet, but these are acceptable. The standard American cheese version of the new Lunchables Grilled Cheesies is a microwaveable grilled cheese sandwich that promises to come out crispy, thanks to a little cardboard cage. It’s not bad. It’s kinda crispy. My main quibble is that the cheese is badly distributed. Half the sandwich was just bread! And it’s a bit oily.
Credit: Merc / Walmart
- Lunchables Mozzarella & Pepperoni Cracker Stackers
The crackers are good (buttery, Ritz-esque). The pepperoni is meaty and savory. The mozzarella is flavorless, but adds some okay texture. But it’s all a little dry. Honestly, this could use some of the Lunchables pizza sauce.
Credit: Merc / Ralphs
- Lunchables Turkey & Cheddar Cracker Stackers
It’s deli turkey, cheddar, and crackers. How bad can it be? This is middle of the pack, for sure. If you think that cheddar can be too strongly flavored, then you’ll love this. The cheddar in this Lunchable snack is mild, mild, mild. I love how the round slices of turkey perfectly fit the cracker. But I wish they weren’t so wet.
Credit: Merc / Target
- Lunchables Crispy Grilled Cheesies Pepperoni Pizza
While I had the same issue of poor distribution with the pepperoni pizza version of the Grilled Cheesie, the pepperoni and the pizza sauce helped make it something new and exciting. If you’re jonesing for a new Lunchables creation, try this one rather than the original flavor.
Credit: Merc / Walmart
- Lunchables Ham & Swiss Cracker Stackers
The Swiss cheese in this version of the Lunchables Stackers is more flavorful than the Lunchables cheddar cheese. But it’s not the best Lunchables cheese. (Spoiler: That title belongs to American cheese.) Still, it’s not bad. Look, it’s ham and cheese and crackers, what else can I say?
Credit: Merc / Walmart
- Lunchables Ham & Cheddar Cracker Stackers
Why is the combo of ham and cheddar better than ham and Swiss? It’s not. But this one came with a vanilla creme cookie. And that cookie is great. It’s sweet, it has just the right amount of salt, it’s delicious. If you’re buying Lunchables for the dessert, this very well might be the best Lunchables pick for you.
Credit: Merc / Target
- Lunchables Uploaded Turkey and Cheddar Sub Sandwich
Hey, teens! Here’s another Lunchables Uploaded selection for you. This is a DIY sub sandwich situation. You get a split bun, a few slices of cheddar, some turkey slices, and mayo (light mayo), along with some Original Pringles, water, Kool-Aid pouches, and two Hershey’s Kisses. The sandwich on its own is fine. But add the crunch and salt of some Pringles to the sandwich and now you really have something.
Credit: Merc / Target
- Lunchables Ham & American Cracker Stackers
A good rule of thumb: If you’re unsure which Lunchables to get, always op t for one with American cheese. Usually, I’d say the only way to enjoy American cheese is in a grilled cheese sandwich. But the creamy texture and mild flavor is the best option out of any of the other Lunchables cheeses. Here, it complements the crunchy cracker and salty ham. You can get Cracker Stackers as snacks or you can get them as part of a lunch with a drink (CapriSun and chocolate chip cookies, which are kinda like Chips Ahoy but thicker. It’s not the best Lunchables Cracker Stacker, but it’s good enough to make the top five Lunchables flavors.
Credit: Merc / Walmart
- Lunchables Turkey & American Cracker Stackers
The turkey in this Lunchables Cracker Stackers was a little bit wet, just like it was in the Turkey & Cheddar Cracker Stackers. It often is. That’s just what deli turkey is like. What makes this Lunchables flavor better than the other turkey and cheese cracker situation? American cheese, once again, makes it all better.
Credit: Merc / Walmart
- Lunchables Uploaded Turkey, Ham and American Sub Sandwich
This was nearly the best Lunchables flavor because it is the best, actual lunch we tasted. You get the split roll, the light mayo, the perfect amount of meat and cheese slices, a side of Cheez-Its, bottle of water, Kool-Aid pouch, and Trollis. The bread is surprisingly soft and not too dry. The meats and cheese are fun to layer onto the bread. And the flavor is reminiscent of a very serviceable airport kiosk sandwich. That’s pretty good.
Credit: Merc / Ralphs
- Lunchables Nachos with Cheese Dip & Salsa
I did not have high hopes for Lunchables Nachos. But here they are, one of the top types of Lunchables. The teeny tiny round tortilla chips are adorable. The cheese is salty, creamy, and gooey, even straight out of the fridge. It tastes a lot like movie theater nachos cheese. The salsa tastes like a sweeter, smoother Pace Picante. And I love how the Lunchables Nachos really make use of the Lunchables tray. The chips are in one section, the cheese is in another, and the salsa is in a third. It’s a fun snack—and Lunchables are supposed to be fun!
Credit: Merc / Target
- Lunchables Light Bologna & American Cracker Stackers
This is the number one best Lunchables flavor. It’s definitely the best Lunchables Cracker Stackers—and that’s the original type of Lunchables. This is the exact situation in which bologna shines. The little rounds fit the cracker perfectly. The meat is salty and savory—the perfect flavor to meld with creamy, mild American cheese. I would (and probably will) actually buy this again.
Credit: Merc / Walmart
Chicken Dunks
Deep Dish Pizza
Extra Cheesy Pizza
Pizza with Pepperoni
Pizza Treatza
Grilled Cheesies Original
Mozzarella & Pepperoni
Turkey & Cheddar
Grilled Cheesies Pepperoni
Ham & Swiss
Ham & Cheddar
Turkey and Cheddar Sub
Ham & American Cheese
Turkey & American Cheese
Turkey, Ham & American
Nachos with Salsa
Bologna & American