Will the brand collabs ever stop? No they will’nt, and thank goodness for that because I’d be out of a job if they did. Plus, it is my firm belief that both Coffee-mate and Eggo’s goal is to collab with every other brand under the sun, so this week’s newest bit of synergistic CPG news isn’t all that surprising to me. That’s right, Coffee-mate and Eggo are finally teaming up to give us the coffee creamer we both want and deserve: Coffee-Mate Eggo Waffles with Maple Syrup Flavored Creamer. Catchy right?
Will this new Eggo coffee creamer taste more like maple syrup or waffles? Will I be compelled to start saying things like “L’eggo my coffee”?
Well, let’s set the record straight, I already say things like “L’eggo my coffee!” (who doesn’t if they haven’t had their coffee yet?), so I doubt this product will change things on that front. As for whether it tastes more like maple or waffles, we may have to wait until it actually hits stores to get a definitive answer, but from the name it would seem it will taste like both. Coffee-mate described this new coffee accoutrement as featuring “notes of toasty waffles, rich maple syrup, and warm butter, just like the classic fluffy breakfast staple we all know and love.” That being said, Coffee-mate parent company Nestlé recently released Eggo Maple Waffle flavored milk, and the Sporked Team thought it was, a.) delicious, and b.) tasted more like maple syrup than waffles. And since this Coffee-mate creamer is also a Nestlé product (oooOOOooooo they’re ~everywhere~), my guess is it too will skew more maple syrup than waffle. And for mixing into coffee, that honestly sounds like such a treat. If you are a big fan of maple-flavored things and coffee then you should definitely check out this coffee creamer when it hits stores in January. It will come in a 32 ounce bottle and cost roughly $4.69.
Who will Coffee-mate collab with next?! With Mean Girls, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Nestle Tollhouse, Pop-Tarts, Twix, Funfetti, Cheesecake Factory, Girl Scout Thin Mints, and the very concept of PB&J already out of the way, only time will tell what Coffee-mate creamer shall be next to grace our morning mugs. My money is on Werther’s. Or maybe Froot Loops.
I’m looking for a creamy, unsweetened, unflavored, non dairy, healthy coffee creamer.