Surprisingly enough, the best Pepsi flavor is not the original version of Pepsi! While other soda brands hit it out of the park with their OG product and then failed to recapture that magic with other flavor innovations (lookin’ at you, Dr Pepper), Pepsi has evolved and become better over time.
I, generally, do not like Pepsi. I am a Coke guy through and through. That being said, I tasted Pepsi flavors I actually enjoyed in this head-to-head Pepsi flavor taste test. We tried every flavor we could get our hands on (where are you, Pepsi Mango Zero Sugar?!) to find out which flavor of Pepsi is actually the best. I won’t be making the switch from Coke to Pepsi after writing this article, but my views on Pepsi are definitely more positive than they were in the past.
- Vanilla Nitro Pepsi
The vanilla covers the badness of this a bit, but it is still horrible. Why would you ever pay more to drink flat Pepsi? I’m baffled.
Credit: Merc / Walmart
- Peeps Pepsi
First of all, they missed a huge opportunity to call this “Peepsi.” Secondly, it doesn’t taste good. It definitely could taste worse, though! Especially considering the fact that it’s a gimmick. It’s kind of like worse cream soda. I don’t believe anyone would buy this over other soda.
- Pepsi Caffeine Free
I guess if you need a Pepsi right before bed you should drink this. Other than that, I’m not sure why you would buy it. It doesn’t taste good and…there’s no caffeine?
Credit: Merc / Walmart
- Diet Pepsi
Like any diet soda, Diet Pepsi has a loyal fan base. If you love Diet Pepsi, awesome! If you’re looking for the best-tasting Pepsi, it is not Diet Pepsi. It’s not even the best diet version of Pepsi.
Credit: Merc / Walmart
- Zero Sugar Pepsi
Zero Sugar Pepsi is definitely better than Diet Pepsi, but it’s still not the best sugar-free Pepsi option on the market. Because of that, I wouldn’t waste my time with it unless you just love the taste of plain Pepsi.
Credit: Merc / Target
- Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi
Adding cherry to Pepsi was a revelation for this company and a quick Google search will explain why! Pepsi is citrus-based (unlike Coke with is vanilla-based). The citrusy notes of the Pepsi pair perfectly with other fruity flavors. Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi is so much better than the non-cherry diet Pepsi options. However, it is still not the best sugar-free Pepsi.
Credit: Merc / Ralphs
- Zero Sugar Wild Cherry Pepsi
Zero Sugar Cherry Pepsi is the GOAT of sugar-less Pepsi products. It actually tastes good. The cherry covers up that fake sugar funk and also adds a great punch of flavor. If you are looking for a Pepsi product that has no sugar and great taste, this is the flavor of Pepsi to buy!
Credit: Merc / Walmart
- Pepsi
I don’t get Pepsi. I don’t know why you’d drink Pepsi over another soda. I have a new respect for Pepsi after this taste test, though. I think classic Pepsi has to rank high because it’s the original and it’s certainly stood the test of time. If you’re looking for Pepsi, you want Pepsi! That’s why classic Pepsi is one of our favorite flavors.
Credit: Merc / Target
- Pepsi Real Sugar
Pepsi Real Sugar takes the classic Pepsi taste and makes it even better. The taste of the real sugar complements the existing flavor of Pepsi. It’s not quite as sweet and it has less chemical-iness. This is essentially the 100% fruit juice of Pepsi and we like it!
Credit: Merc / Target
- Pepsi Mango
This was a real shock to all of us. Pepsi Mango is delicious. Something about fruit and Pepsi is just a match made in heaven. It tastes a little like peach-mango and not just mango, but I don’t care. I would happily drink this again.
Credit: Merc / Walmart
- Wild Cherry Pepsi
Wild Cherry Pepsi is the Pepsi you should be buying. Managing editor Gwynedd Stuart pointed out that it tastes like a cherry cola a soda jerk would make for you at an old-timey soda shop and she’s totally right. It is so good (and that’s coming from a Pepsi hater). You will not see me drinking a Pepsi, but if you ever did, it would be Wild Cherry Pepsi without a doubt.
Credit: Merc / Target
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WRONG! Pepsi Nitro Vanilla is THE BEST Pepsi ever made, next is one that they stuipdly no longer make and that is “Nilla” Pepsi— THAT was amazing!
I’m not sure where you get your Nitro Pepsi but mine was the opposite of flat. I could hardly keep it “under control”. And the nitro made the drink smoother.
Do you make a diet pepsi with lemon??? If you do, where can i get it. If you dont, you should lol
Having someone review Pepsi varieties that doesn’t even like Pepsi is dumb and you should feel bad.
Mine would be the Real Sugar Pepsi, followed close by Wild Cherry, then regular Pepsi. I am pro-Pepsi, but not anti-Coke, but it is fully a preference thing, but my druthers over both is Cheerwine!
Cheerwine IS quite delicious!
Mango Pepsi Zero is GOATed. Far better than it has any right being.
I just threw up a little in my mouth— that is NASTY!
I loved the Nitros! Such a unique take with the bold, rich, and nearly creamy approach. I’d like to try it in a float
Why would you have someone who hates pepsi review pepsi? Mango pepsi tasted like bath water. Way to high on the list
Almost like it should have never been a thing!
Thanks for spotlighting Mango Pepsi! A lot of people still don’t know about it even though it has been widely available for a couple of years. It is delicious, better than regular Pepsi (this from a Pepsi lover) and for my money, should actually be #1 on this list instead of wild cherry (I’m not wild about cherry colas; they’re fine, but overrated if you ask me).
It is strange to me that the website would ask someone who doesn’t like Pepsi to rank Pepsis, but your list is reasonably close to mine so I can’t be too mad at it. Could do without the shade though.
You are awesome Jordan but why have a Coke person review Pepsi? Hire me for a review! My whole family are Pepsi addicts! Personally, the Pepsi Nitro’s are amazing! So smooth! Great taste! Top 5 easy! I’d put the Real Sugar Pepsi at top but if they were to make a Real Sugar Wild Cherry Pepsi that would be number one indeed!
100! TOTALLY agree!
Now how did I know Cherry Pepsi would be number one? Because cherry cola is undoubtedly the best cola in the world.
Where is my favorite Vanilla Pepsi, it was fabulous the only thing that could make it taste better is to make it with real sugar. I miss it. 50yrs of drinking Pepsi-Cola!!!
We should start a petition to bring it back!!!
Don’t look at me, I kinda enjoyed the Peepsi.
I LOVED Pepsi. It was the perfect blend of Pepsi and Peeps.
DISGUSTING! I actually DID gag when I first tried it! After finishing the can tho, it was TOLERABLE but I never want it again.
This was all wrong all the way around. I drink pepsi, nothing else. Pepsi caffeine free the best. Reg pepsi next. Pepsi nitro vanilla next. Thats the best 3 pepsi.
I love all Pepsi
I remember when Pepsi had “Pepsi Lemon Twist”. I really wish they bring that flavor back.
I do also drink Coca Cola (aka: Coke) regular flavor, since they changed the formula for Coke Zero 🤢 I stopped drinking Coke Zero.
I love all Coca-Cola and pepsi
Wild cherry is the best Pepsi ever …I hope they never stop making it
I love wild cherry Pepsi as will friend
Cherry Pepsi made with real sugar needs be available everywhere!
Vanilla Nitro Pepsi is so good. If the you follow the directions on the can and pour it hard, it has this rich milkshake like flavor. It’s also a crime that Pepsi zero wasn’t number one or that vanilla Pepsi wasn’t ranked at all.
AGREED! They make Nitro Vanilla, why not bring back Vanilla Pepsi??? =(
I don’t understand how people like Coke. It tastes so bad. Pepsi supremecy all the way. As a Pepsi lover, cherry is my favorite too though followed by original.