Last month, I covered the news that Red Bull was releasing a new permanent flavor (or Edition, in their brand parlance) in Q1 2025: Red Bull Pink Edition, aka Wild Berries. At that time, I knew exactly three things: the name of the flavor, the rough release date, and that there was no evidence of a sugarfree version. Well, our friends at Red Bull recently sent over samples of both the regular and sugarfree, the latter of which surely came together in the last month just to make a fool out of me. Let’s see how this wild new Red Bull Pink flavor came out.
- Red Bull Pink Edition
Pros: Holy cow, this new Red Bull flavor is tart—in a good way. In my initial coverage, I wrote that it wasn’t yet clear which berries went into the “Wild Berries” label on this can. Now that I’ve tasted Pink Red Bull for myself, I think I’ve figured out which berries they’re using. Y’all, I swear this is cranberry and raspberry. You can imagine how tart that pairing is. This is a great mix of tart and sweet that I’m glad is sticking around. I might have to rethink the status of my favorite permanent Red Bull.
Cons: Some of my fellow taste testers were less sold on the balance between tart and sweet. I see where they’re coming from, but for me, this is a winning combo.
Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart
- Red Bull Pink Edition Sugarfree
Pros: Sugarfree Pink Red Bull has a much lighter, less tart flavor than the full sugar version. Unlike the recent monk fruit extract update to Red Bull Zero, this one is still made with the classic Red Bull Sugarfree sweetener pairing of acesulfame potassium and sucralose. It isn’t my favorite of the two options, but it is a totally perfunctory substitute for folks who can’t or don’t want to indulge in the sugary version.
Cons: Between losing some tartness and adding some of that unavoidable artificial sweetness, this definitely leans too sweet—even for me, your favorite professional candy eater.
Credit: Liv Averett / Walmart
When and where can I get Pink Red Bull for myself?
That depends on who you ask. Officially speaking, Red Bull has told us Red Bull Pink Edition will be available wherever Red Bull [insert color here] Editions are sold nationwide starting on March 3rd. Unofficially speaking, both regular and Sugarfree versions of Red Bull Pink Edition are already available at Walmart and Kroger stores nationwide. (I actually found cans on shelves at both Walmart and Kroger before my samples arrived in the mail, but I’ll chalk that up to delays on mail shipped out of L.A. for obvious reasons.)
If you go on the Walmart app you can purchase the regular and sugar free version of the new Red Bull pink but for
Two 4 packs I paid 20.00 for them and had to wait for them to be fed ex to me which took 5 days to get here, but once they did it was worth the wait and I can’t wait for them to come out officially cause I am in love with the pink rednull and the iced vanilla berry redbull are my most favorite ones
The last new one, vanilla berry, you can’t find normal cans of that anywhere. These are likely going to be the same way. They are simply not making enough of it. Why are they making a new flavor when they can’t even keep up with current demands?
I actually didn’t like this flavor of red bull it tasted like the outside of a raspberry tootsie pop and a bit too chemical.
Heyy I just want to let you know that if you get an 8oz pink and an 8oz red, mix them together. You get more sweetness from the watermelon while holding on to the tart. It’s a great combination, and alot of mom n pop gas stations have an 8oz deal of 2 for $5 8oz. I know pink is only at 2 large retailers atm but when you can, I highly recommend the red and pink combination.