If you’re getting ready to move into the dorms, making a trip to Costco is a no-brainer. Chances are, mom and dad are footing the bill, so you’re gonna want this shopping trip to last you a while—who knows when you’ll have access to that credit card again! You’re a grownup now! GET USED TO IT! On a recent trip to Costco, I channeled my inner college student to put together a list of must-buy products, including easy meals and snacks you can share with your freeloader roommate. Here’s what to buy at Costco for your college dorm so you can eat well all semester long (and learn stuff, of course).
- Nongshim Tonkotsu Ramen Bowl
What would the college experience be without ramen? That’s like the Vatican without the Pope or an AMC theater without my ass in a seat every week—useless! But we need something better than Top Ramen. You’re already shilling out thousands of dollars to go to school, so you might as well get the good stuff for your dorm room. That’s why we’re getting the best ramen that Costco has to offer, premium pork broth and all.
Read our ranking of the best ramen noodles
- Dot’s Homestyle Original Seasoned Pretzel Twists
Ideally, a two-pound bag of pretzels would be the perfect salty snack to keep on hand for an entire semester. Dot’s are a different breed, though. Resist with all your might, you’re still downing this bag in a few weeks at best. You better play it safe and grab a couple bags while you’re at Costco, so you don’t have to take a break from studying to get more.
Read our ranking of the best pretzels
- Nerds Rainbow Gummy Clusters
A two-pound bag of Nerds Gummy Clusters sounds like an insane thing to buy, but hear me out: These are for sharing! Put a giant sign on your door that says “FREE GUMMY CLUSTERS INSIDE” and watch your floormates flock to your door. Instant street cred and an easy opportunity to socialize! Clear out Costco’s supply so you can fill the empty space under your bed with gummy clusters. You can keep the fun going all semester long and forever be known as the gummy cluster supplier. Nothing nerdy about that.
Read our roundup of all the best gummy candy
- Babybel Mini Snack Cheese
Portability is the name of the game when we’re looking for what to buy at Costco for our college dorm haul. Everything should be within reach of the door so you can quickly grab it in your scramble to get to that 7:30 a.m. class you knew you shouldn’t have signed up for in the first place. Cheese is already fairly portable, but those geniuses at Babybel really went above and beyond in their quest to make it the most convenient snack possible. These cute little wheels o’ cheese are just begging to be thrown into your pocket or backpack. Costco’s got the hookup with a 36-count bag of them, so you should be all set with snacking cheese until midterms roll around.
- Takis Rolled Tortilla Chips Variety Pack
College is a time of exploration. You’re meant to twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip & lie. So obviously, you’re going to need the right hot chip if you’re going to do it right! And Costco has the perfect variety pack of Takis for the job. Keep these on hand when you need a snack in your room or sneak them into the dining hall to add some flavor to your plate, because you know the food they’re serving never has enough.
- That’s It Mini Fruit Bars
College kids: Too old to eat Gushers fruit snacks, too young to eat whole fruit. But hey, you’re just the right age to eat That’s It mini fruit bars. Do you really trust yourself (or your kid) to keep their dorm clean all semester long? Of course not! Now imagine an apple or orange from the dining hall falling into that mess. That’s just asking for trouble! Now, a wrapped up mini fruit bar from Costco? That’s no problem at all. You can even eat it when you find it at the end of the school year.
Read our ranking of the best fruit roll-ups and fruit strips
- Fitcrunch Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bars
College is the best time to get absolutely jacked to Arnold Schwarzenegger proportions. You have plenty of free time between classes, access to a free gym on campus, and lots of incentive to get in shape to impress your classmates. It’s the perfect storm of opportunity to get in the best shape of your life. And you’re going to need some protein to get you there! Grab a buttload of Fitcrunch protein bars from Costco to fuel you to success. At the very least, they’re a filling snack for those of us who are just trying to make it through the day in one piece.
Read our ranking of the best tasting protein bars
- Celsius Vibe Variety Pack
You’ll have plenty of time to drink coffee when you’re clocking into your 9-to-5 after graduation. Now’s about living for the fun of it all! And there’s no more enjoyable form of caffeine than a case of Celsius’s “vibe” lineup. What the hell is “Peach Vibe”? I couldn’t tell you, but I’m sure it’ll kick your ass into study mode when you’re pulling an all-nighter! “Arctic Vibe”? Not a damn clue, but it should help you get through that 7:30 a.m. class (again, WHY did you sign up for that class??).
Read our ranking of all the Celsius flavors
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