Batman and Robin. Bert and Ernie. Trader Joe’s and frozen appetizers. Legendary duos, one and all. Among the newest frozen apps in the aisles of Trader Joe’s are these Mini Brioche Bites, light-and-crispy balls of brioche dough filled with a sweet and creamy apricot and brie cheese filling. Are they good enough though to earn their keep among the tried and trusted Trader Joe’s frozen appetizers?
Well, that really depends on which side of the apricot/brie battle you find yourself on. If you’re a Midwestern cheese fanatic, I have some bad news for you. The apricot wins out here. And really, it’s not even close. The filling is nothing more than a yogurt-like substance that tastes like apricot pudding. It hardly lives up to the promise of the “sweet and cheesy mouthfuls” described on the box. Let’s discuss…
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