The fine folks at Oreo have announced their newest innovation in the field of making desserts taste like other desserts: Churro Oreos. Lucky for us, we won’t have to wait long to find out how it fits into the ranking of the best Oreo flavors. These cookies will be hitting shelves on March 27th for a limited time. Read on to find out exactly what you’re in for—it gets mysterious.
What makes up a Churro Oreo?
Every Churro Oreo is made up of two “fried dough flavored” golden cookies, sandwiching a slab of churro-flavored creme with “sugar inclusions.” Those are direct quotes, and we have no further explanation as to what those terms mean. Sugar inclusions sound like something you’d find in a bath bomb, and I’m no flavor scientist but…fried dough flavored? If that was a real flavor, I would have seen it in a vape by now. And to get to the bottom of churro-flavored creme, we have to go all the way back to 1 BC (Before COVID).
Have they sold Churro Oreos before?
This concept won’t be new to those of you with strong Oreo flavor recall. Churro-flavored Oreos were released once before—they just weren’t called that. Back in September 2019, an Oreo made with “Mystery Flavored Creme” hit shelves. Those cookies launched with a $50,000 prize to be awarded to a lucky person who guessed the flavor correctly. In December 2019, the mystery creme was revealed to be churro flavored—a surprise to everyone who had actually tried the distinctly non-cinnamon-y cookies. We hope they’ve improved the recipe since then, considering their less-than-stellar showing in a March 2022 episode of Good Mythical Morning.
Why aren’t they called ChurrOREOs?
Great question! Oreo released the very silly-sounding Sm’OREOs just last year, I’m not sure what kept them from continuing that trend. If they were truly dedicated to the bit, they would be planning their future flavors based entirely on how easily the flavor concept can be smushed with the brand. Here’s a freebie for you, Nabisco: Halo-HalOREOs. I know the world is ready for ube ice cream-flavored creme inside two very complicated cookies, just make the call.